A VVVVVV wiki and fansite

Started by TheDevilTesla, March 20, 2010, 08:54:23 PM

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Just sayin', the fan site link is broken. It's also broken on the wiki, too.

I always thought Viridian was male. I thought it was kinda obviously that Viridian and Victoria had feelings for each other, whether or not they wanted to admit it. I guess I was wrong.


Whaa looks like the fansite is ddddddown  :victoria:

I don't think the author ever finished it anyway


So what are their general occupations, and what do they do on the ship? Viridian is obviously the leader of the team, Verdigris is the engineer, Violet's job seems to be related to communications and/or scanning, and Vitellary's role is science-related. What about Vermilion and Victoria? Vermilion might be an explorer or similar, and Victoria might have another science-related job, but it's too hard to tell from what's in the game.

Also, I agree with Arkatox on the whole Viridian/Victoria thing.


I would guess what with there being two "doctors" around, one might be technologically geared, and one might be the medical type. You'd want both on a spaceship! Or on any long journey, in fact. I always thought of Chief Vermilion as being the "head of security" type person... except, since he's the only one around, he's just plain security. I think he's a bit to loopy to be the leader of any kind of team, but he probably does a fine job on his own! He's certainly got the fearlessness needed to deal with space pirates or... giant space elephants or whatever hazards they normally encounter on their travels. Speaking of which, what do they normally do on their travels, when they're not getting sucked into alternate dimensions? Are they the Starfleet of their world? Or is the D.S.S Souleye a privately owned vessel, for running errands?

This is one of the things that makes VVVVVV so freaking great. Go look at a screenshot of the game that we're talking about. Then look back here and see what type of discussions we're having about it. Who would expect that, going in?

EDIT: Well, my memory is terrible. Turns out Vermilion's title is "officer", not "chief." Verdigris is the chief, so I don't really know what that means. "Officer" seals Vermilion's role as the leader/peacekeeper type, though.


It's Officer Vermilion, not Chief Vermilion, at least AFAIK.

Since they mention trouble about their home dimension collapsing, I always imagined that the Souleye was supposed to go find a way to save their home dimension.


Quote from: Rox on January 07, 2011, 04:42:25 PM
I would guess what with there being two "doctors" around, one might be technologically geared, and one might be the medical type. You'd want both on a spaceship! Or on any long journey, in fact.
I would guess that Victoria would be the medical doctor and that Violet would be the scientist, both from their personalities, and from their roles in the story.

You could always tell from the way Violet talked that she knew exactly what she was talking about with the portals and dimensions and stuff. The only thing hinting at Victoria being a scientist was her interest in the shiny trinkets.

The Brass

Quote from: Arkatox on January 10, 2011, 02:53:27 AM
The only thing hinting at Victoria being a scientist was her interest in the shiny trinkets.
When Viridian first enters the shiny room, :viridian: says "Victoria loves to study the interesting things we find on our adventures". She also comments about the creators of dimension VVVVVV knowing more about warp drives than her people do - something she wouldn't realize if she herself wasn't an expert on the field. This pretty much tells that she is also a researcher.

I'm pretty sure the Souleye is a exploration and scientific research ship, tasked with finding a fix to their own dimension. Most of the crew's jobs would have to do with this research. Vermilion and Viridian are the exlorers who explore the dimensions trying to find things of interest, while Violet, Victoria and Vitellary research the duo's findings and whatever they can find by themselves. Each of the three has their own specialization - science is a very large field. Verdigris just takes care of the ship, but as an engineer has a good grasp of scientific stuff too, seeing that he has to keep the ship traveling betweed dimensions.

Quote from: Arkatox on December 28, 2010, 01:42:26 AM
I always thought Viridian was male. I thought it was kinda obviously that Viridian and Victoria had feelings for each other, whether or not they wanted to admit it. I guess I was wrong.
Nonsense... Victoria obviously likes Vitellary.


The Brass

If you talk to a rescued Victoria before Vitellary is released, she'll say "Any signs of Professor Vitellary?" and "I hope he's ok...". And after you've rescued her, she reacts happily but is also worried about if he hadn't returned. She doesn't say this stuff about any other character. I also remeber something from Violet regarding Victoria being happy about Vitellary's rescue, but I couldn't trigger it. Vitellary's attitude is more neutral, he just says "Excellent! I have many questions for her". Both use the full titles, very formal.


When Victoria tells Viridian about the remaining trinkets, she worriedly says "Don't put yourself in any danger, though!"

Also, I seem to remember Viridian saying something about being worried about Victoria at some point.

The Brass

Viridian says that about Verdigris too.

Damn It AL to Hell

Cool, a wiki for VVVVVV!

:violet: About time!
:viridian: Be nice


Since we have level editor, why not put level editing help on the wiki? I can take care of some of scripting (it'll be command reference), but since I'm new and know only scripting tutorial level, the list of commands I can provide is limited.

We can also add part 1 and 2 of tutorial from here if Terry will agree.

//edit: Here's command reference I got so far.
You are more than welcome to add other commands to it, especially those from 2.1 patch (colored reply boxes, repositioning) as they are unknown to me.