Started by That Souleye Crewmate, May 07, 2015, 06:53:31 AM

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That Souleye Crewmate

This is my first map, and it's really crappy. I learned how to make better maps, and made some scripting, but i wanted to share my first level. If you find any bugs, tell me and i'll fix them.  :viridian:
EDIT: So Kreator told me about a bug and i edited the level. Here's a list of what i changed:
-Deleted most of the checkpoints in "Amb.. oh wait"
-Edited the spike run on the beggining. Those spikes facing upwards look ugly.
-Deleted checkpoint in the sleeping chambers, i left it there when i was testing the scripts  :P
- Fixed gravlines in "Amb.. oh wait"
-Deleted most of the checkpoints in "I'll make it up to you"
-Fixed "Trinket mania"
-Dealt with annoying glitch... Everytime you write a script, you have to go 1 line under to save the last settings. That's why it said: "teleport final"
-Added an easter egg.
That's all i found. Have anything more? Give me feedback.


I love it, but it needs a lot of fixes. The most prominent one I can think of that needs addressing is the one in "Amb... Oh wait." If you touch the checkpoint that's second-closest to the right side of the room, and then die... watch what happens.

That Souleye Crewmate

Yup. I forgot to fix that, tbh. I really hate it when levels let you easily get out of bounds, and i did that myself. Crud.
Lemme get around fixing it  :P


I found a similar way to hack Dimension Switchback :vermilion:

That Souleye Crewmate

I played 100% Original. I swear, i tried 20 times to not get out of bounds on "I added spikes"


1. There are some messed-up blocks between the room with the trinket and the invisible blocks, and the room below it. If you flip down from the trinket room, directly against the right wall, you'll glitch back and forth between the two rooms
2. It's hard to explain... it's another adjoining-room problem. Try falling DIRECTLY between the gravlines between "Ambush!" and "Amb... Oh Wait" or "Amb... Oh Wait" and "Scary Spike Leaps." It's like the gravlines stretching between the two rooms are supposed to be one gravline, and they're not. Falling into the next room just right will... cause this glitch.
3. Is that "teleport final" thing in the script after you find all the trinkets a broken script? Because you have to walk all the way back to the final rooms anyway. Also, while the script is running, you land right between two checkpoints, which means you switch back and forth between them, playing the checkpoint sound over and over again in a very annoying way.
4. There are two rooms that you can't go into, so they won't show themselves on the map.

That Souleye Crewmate

Darn, i knew gravlines would be a problem.
As for the 2 invisible rooms, they're there because i extended the map so i could make the sleeping chambers.


Well, just make them accessible and put some easter eggs in there or something.


Wait... is this a new version? If so, then you should have renamed it something like "AAAAAA Fixed 2."

That Souleye Crewmate

Easter egg? Okay, i'll try to do something like that...
Renaming? Well, i didn't think it would be necessary, tbh...

That Souleye Crewmate

Added the easter egg.  :vermillion:
Tip: It's not hidden. Play the level normally.


All right... *awaiting feedback*