What are some good new metal bands?

Started by Dalhousie, June 01, 2010, 05:34:38 AM

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I want to get into some new music. The bands i usually listen to are Children of Bodom, The Devil Wears Prada, All That Remains, Avenged Sevenfold & Every Time I Die. no death metal please (Children of Bodom doesn't count) thanks for any suggestions


Lately I've been listening to a lot of Lady Gaga :)

Er, somebody else give him some advice


Eh, I don't really listen to music at all :P

Classical, 5th Symphony :P


This'll sound weird, but try anything Rush did after about 1995 (Test for Echo, Vapor Trails, Snakes and Arrows) -- it's not metal so much as prog, but the sound is pretty solid.

Josiah Tobin

I used to listen to a lot of metal... almost exclusively belonged to the genre for awhile. :P Not so much anymore, but Strapping Young Lad are one of the few metal bands I can still listen to and really get into. Their album "City" is unparalleled, there is literally nothing else like it. There's so much going on that linking to a youtube audio vid isn't really the best idea for a good impression of how incredible the mix is, but I'm gonna do it anyway:


The band's often called death metal but they really aren't... there are elements here and there like the opening blastbeat in that song, but sit through that and there is a ton of beautiful (vocal) melody raging alongside the craziness. Quite hard to classify that band while they were around... :)

Anyway, I'm not really all that in touch with the metal happenings of the world anymore, but I figured I'd drop that name in case they're your thing (they blew my face off when I first heard them but you may not be into it).



Can't believe you guys didn't notice this guy was spam. Check the link in his signature.

lazer bomb

The best spambots make good threads that don't get locked.



Haha, he added that link later. Clever!


Well, isn't that just cute.


Minus one cool point for me.

Josiah Tobin

Quote from: VAgentZero on June 14, 2010, 03:52:31 PM
Well, isn't that just cute.


Minus one cool point for me.
Minus several for me for writing more than a few lines!



My favorite metal band would be Dream Theater. They are the most creative band I know of (both instrumentally and lyrically), and their former drummer who just recently left (after 25 years) worked and played drums with Avenge Sevenfold (which you mentioned) in their latest album.

I also love Theocracy. They sound like possible 80s metal, but they were founded this century.