What not to put in your VVVVVV Level

Started by VeeC7, August 22, 2015, 09:44:18 AM

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125. finalmode() (Dying here will lock the camera onto the room, and you can't go to other rooms from it)

126. A warp hub, but there's not any text telling where the warps go/the text is too vague.

i don't use this site anymore, please don't look at my posts

For re-registering after his permaban and stirring up arguments on the forum.


Quote from: Terry on March 02, 2016, 11:43:51 PM
Quote from: Info Teddy on February 29, 2016, 02:26:08 AM
Quote from: ShinyKitten07 on February 29, 2016, 01:11:17 AMnice .5 file
It's a fucking XML file, dumbass.
118. Having a script call upon another script which calls upon the original script, causing the game to crash.
119. Focusing too much on placing checkpoints, thus making the level fall in terms of quality in other areas.


top fucking kek
best post ever


118 from Info teddy Having a script call upon another script which calls upon the original script, causing the game to crash.

Quote from: 5tr4 on January 24, 2016, 04:23:58 PM
96(69 backwards):making an infinite loop with scripts (script 1 has iftrinkets(0,script2) script2 has iftrinkets(0,script 1) )
Why......I already did that.... (P.S. I promise to be better on this forum. I learned my lesson.)


127 place moving platform on top of disappear platform make the disappear platform are non-solid

Remove the double post


moth ✨

i don't use this site anymore, please don't look at my posts

Quote from: 5tr4 on May 31, 2016, 11:07:21 AM
128. Bumping a 2 month old thread.



To SteveGamer:
Do NOT bump threads. It doesn't make a good reputation for you and eventually will get you banned. If yiu get banned more than 3 or 4 times, you will be permanently banned and won't be able to post here ever again. And nobody likes that!

To 5tr4:
Stop telling people to stop bumping. It is helpful to point out it's bad but the dude can see the words 'stop bumping' once and get it. If he continues, he will get banned.
Also, you tried to tell him to spam the letter A. That has brought you to Strike 2.99. You are on thin ice dude. One more offense and you're permabanned.

Sorry if I'm being rouh, it is just that you two have been driving this community crazy. Please stop doing the things I just highlighted.

That Souleye Crewmate

Quote from: 5tr4 on May 31, 2016, 11:07:21 AM
128. Bumping a 2 month old thread.
says the kid that spams "aaaaaaa" for a living.
Seriously 5tr4, at this point i've lost all respect for you. You're clearly a kid that doesn't know any better. Look at lol...ipops; he stopped spamming and being annoying. lol...ipops is more mature than you.
Stop commanding people. You've been banned before, and you haven't learned. Have you ever heard the saying "practice what you preach"?
I'm pretty sure i speak for everyone here. We're fed up with your bullshit 5tr4. Shiny can't deal with you anymore. Luigi is going insane with you. Vultarix brought you to strike 2.99.
Listen to me and the rest of Distractionware and tOLP. You need to stop your bullshit, kid.
Also @vultarix., isn't bumping alright if you add something to the topic? Banning someone for bumping and being relevant to the topic seems a bit unfair. Don't doublepost though, that one's a bit annoying as well.


Quote from: That Souleye Crewmate on May 31, 2016, 05:23:46 PM
Also @vultarix., isn't bumping alright if you add something to the topic? Banning someone for bumping and being relevant to the topic seems a bit unfair.
Agreed, I can't stress enough how in the following example situation:

Reply #5 by OldUser on 01-01-2013
That's right! I can't wait to see the next version of this.

Reply #6 by SomeUser on 05-06-2016
can anyone explain to me how this works? i tried it but i couldn't get it to work

Reply #7 by OtherUser on 05-06-2016
Don't bump old topics, this is from 2013.

SomeUser's post is actually relevant and OtherUser's post is not. Usually a couple of posts about the bumping will follow after that (which is EXACTLY what we're doing right now) and that is extremely less useful than just continuing the topic of the thread.


Reply #5 by OldUser on 01-01-2013
That's right! I can't wait to see the next version of this.

Reply #6 by SomeUser on 05-06-2016
i had chicken for dinner

If you see this, just report it.

This also means that there's no such thing as a 32-day gap being a bump and a 29-day gap being not. A useful and relevant post after months or years is better than keyboard mashing after two hours.

moth ✨

Quote from: That Souleye Crewmate on May 31, 2016, 05:23:46 PM
Shiny can't deal with you anymore.
You know what I actually can't deal with? Everybody picking on 5tr4. I get it, everybody is annoyed and their mental states are declining. When lol...ipops was JUST as spammy, people just got a LITTLE irritated. lol...ipops did improve, and 5tr4 will too. In fact, 5tr4 already has! He's actually helping out, not spamming, giving useful advice, posting things that are relevant to the topic, and a plethora of other things that he did not do before. All young users do this. Just look at some of everyone's old posts. They may not have been as bad, but we've all posting this sort of shit. None of us are perfect, okay? When I was new, I posted some strange spam and crazya02 made a joke about how "I was drunk." It's hilarious now that I think back to it, but at the time it really made me think. Social pressure works, and getting extremely angry while having thin patience for everything does not! Think back to what you did when you were new. Read through your old posts! You may cringe (a lot), sure, but you will learn that you may have been just as bad (but maybe only occasionally). Being socially adept and understanding social norms takes time.

E: fixed grammar errors


Quote from: EpicCreeper9001 on March 05, 2016, 06:46:40 PM
125. finalmode() (Dying here will lock the camera onto the room, and you can't go to other rooms from it.
using finalmode() already lock the screen

That Souleye Crewmate

Quote from: ShinyKitten07 on May 31, 2016, 11:07:29 PM
Quote from: That Souleye Crewmate on May 31, 2016, 05:23:46 PM
Shiny can't deal with you anymore.
You know what I actually can't deal with? Everybody picking on 5tr4. I get it, everybody is annoyed and their mental states are declining. When lol...ipops was JUST as spammy, people just got a LITTLE irritated. lol...ipops did improve, and 5tr4 will too. In fact, 5tr4 already has! He's actually helping out, not spamming, giving useful advice, posting things that are relevant to the topic, and a plethora of other things that he did not do before. All young users do this. Just look at some of everyone's old posts. They may not have been as bad, but we've all posting this sort of shit. None of us are perfect, okay? When I was new, I posted some strange spam and crazya02 made a joke about how "I was drunk." It's hilarious now that I think back to it, but at the time it really made me think. Social pressure works, and getting extremely angry while having thin patience for everything does not! Think back to what you did when you were new. Read through your old posts! You may cringe (a lot), sure, but you will learn that you may have been just as bad (but maybe only occasionally). Being socially adept and understanding social norms takes time.

E: fixed grammar errors
Except most of us didn't just spam aaaaaaa and knowyourmeme links in threads. At worst we'd post memes and uncomfortably cringy content, but 5tr4 is going down the way of "no one other than me can spam or bump"
when someone acts critically out of line you have to call them out on their bullshit. A single ban didn't help 5tr4 much, so we gotta keep a strict eye on him and tell him whats wrong and what's good. It's not picking on 5tr4, we're trying to improve him so he stops spamming and commanding people/complaining. He's already told Dav several times to do what he wants.

The only thing i hate is when Luigi Master or Vultarix tell him to "not tell us what to do" i mean jeez, it's kinda disrespectful when you tell a moderator/admin what to do, but straight up making a suggestion isn't a bad thing, Luigi.

moth ✨

Hey, guess what? It's very obvious that he doesn't do that anymore. If you feel uncomfortable, don't be by actually reading some of the new content he makes.

Funny Topical Meme

128: Trinket/crewmate spam.
129. Bugs that are obvious.
130. Too much references.
413. Like this one.