Poll for the best song!

Started by VeeC7, August 29, 2015, 01:00:32 AM

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What is the best VVVVVV song?

Potential For Anything
3 (15%)
Predestined Fate
0 (0%)
Pushing Onwards
0 (0%)
Paced Energy
2 (10%)
Pressure Cooker
0 (0%)
Passion For Exploring
0 (0%)
Positive Force
3 (15%)
Piercing The Sky
3 (15%)
Pipe Dream
2 (10%)
Presenting VVVVVV
0 (0%)
Predestined Fate (3DS/Pulsen remix)
7 (35%)

Total Members Voted: 20


I started a poll! I posted it there since all the other forums were closed

shape worrior t

Or Passion For Exploring?
Or Presenting VVVVVV?
Or Popular Potpourri?
Or Pipe Dream?
Or Piercing The Sky? :-X
Unless you forced us to choose between these songs...


Not here because of poll choice limit

shape worrior t

There's an "add option" button...
Right under the 5 options.
You can edit the poll with an "edit poll" button at the same place as the "view results" button.

That Souleye Crewmate

GO POSITIVE FORCE!! I love this song

Bruce Michez

Don't forget the powerful "Predestined Fate" remix, which just happens to be my favourite.

shape worrior t

Some other songs:
Path Complete (the level complete song)
Pause (the song that plays in the ship-related cutscenes)
Plenary (the game complete song)
ecroF evitisoP (Positive Force Reversed)
Powerup (trinket get)
Waiting for VVVVVV
I know not much people would vote for these, but at least ecroF evitisoP would be nice.


can you add "pressure cooker: shitty space jam remix"



That Souleye Crewmate

i don't use this site anymore, please don't look at my posts

Quote from: crazya02 on August 31, 2015, 11:34:55 PM
Clearly this is by far the best song in the game.


linK not work linK not work


Only Predestined Fate (3DS/Pulsen remix) ;)