Vincity(Hard Level!)

Started by Shadowspirit, August 05, 2016, 06:41:00 PM

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A Very Hard Level That I have made.
It may Be Short, but it is very difficult!

:viridian: 12 Challanges!
:viridian: 20 Trinkets!
:viridian: 13 Possible Difficulties!

(my first fully finished level!)

:vermillion: Download Most Recent Version


the link just takes me to my dropbox files
you can't preview vvvvvv files

to get a working link you need to:
1. Hover over the level you want to share, and click the "Share" button that appears.
2. Click "Create A Link".
3. Click "Copy A Link".
4. Give us THAT link instead.

However, welcome to distractionware where we try to keep out shitposters as much as we can.
If you don't want to be a shitposter, then don't spam anything, don't make loads of topics of nonsense, and don't bump!
Right now we've been having a really good streak, with 2 users in a row not being shitposters!  :o :vitellary:



now there's not even a link


I see, I accidentaly removed the url before posting, anyway, now it should work


Alright, it works now.
but i ain't got no time to blow my head up on a kaizo vvvvvv level sooo i'll sit back for a bit

Oh, and btw, this belongs in VVVVVV levels, not the main vvvvvv thread.


Uh, well, I played it now. And, well, it's...hard. Like really hard. Good job!