Suggestion: edoM ??? (Reverse Mode)

Started by mcpower, April 22, 2011, 06:09:41 AM

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edoM ???
No, it ain't crappy English. edoM ??? is Reverse mode, unlocked after you complete Flip Mode. The dialogue is backwards, but the sentences aren't, if that makes sense.
It's essentially Braid crossed with VVVVVV, everything goes in reverse. You start off at the end of the game, and you have to make your way BACK through the end of the game, UN-screwing-up the universe and returning back to where you came from. You get un-teleported to a random person's area, and have to un-save him/her and make your way back to the entrance. At the enterance, there is a teleporter. The teleporter un-teleports you to another random person's area, and so on until you only have Violet yet to unrescue. You un-teleport back to the ship, unrescue Violet, and go backwards through Space Station 1. When you get to the start, you get un-teleported to the start of the game, and that's the end of the game. A suprise ending could be something like revealing what happened before the start of the game, or other things like that.
Makes sense?
Probably not.  :(


Makes sense to me. The only problem is that Space Station I is the only level that can be done backwards. Warp Zone has one-way warp tokens at the end, Space Station 2 has a bunch of spikes in Prize for the Reckless, The Tower won't scroll back down, The Laboratory has the Diode room you can't get back through, Intermission 1 ... well ... you can go back to the beginning, but your companion won't follow you, Intermission 2 bounces you off the lower beam of the Gravitron if you try to go back, and the Final Level has The Final Challenge, which scrolls like The Tower. All of these could be easily fixed, though.


I was going to mention the Tower and Diode, but you have to change maps to suit reverse mode.


I actually considered this when I designed the levels! Up until I started the warp zone, all the levels I'd made were reversible (space station 1, the lab, and the tower). Decided against it eventually, though.


It's not too late to come up with a new version ...

Just keep that in mind.