Viridian to the Future - Final Edition

Started by i don't use this site anymore, please don't look at my posts, December 11, 2015, 01:15:14 AM

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i don't use this site anymore, please don't look at my posts

Viridian to the Future!



:viridian: has to go to the Power Tower to collect enough trinkets to power a time machine! Why? Because if he doesn't, Vertigo's Doomsday Network VERTIGONET is going to launch a Vuclear Vomb to destroy all Dimensions!

Chapter 1 (Power Tower): Similar to 'The Tower of Power'.
Chapter 2 (Vertigo Hunt): Chasing Vertigo through space stations, labs, warp zones and polar dimensions!
Chapter 3 (The Vernaridox): Vernaridox, the villain from Dimensional Unity is back, with his futuristic enemy organization P.I.S.T.O.L.!
Chapter 4 (Fighting Vertigo): Viridian has a showdown with Vertigo once and for all!
Epilogue (Final Search): Finding three last trinkets, and accessing the Terminal of Unity, and destroying Vertigonet once and for all


:viridian: - Captain Viridian
:vitellary: - Professor Vitellary (V.O.)
:verdigris: - Chief Verdigris (V.O.)
:violet: -Doctor Violet
:victoria: - Trinkeer Victoria
- Mastermind Vertigo
- Dimension Destroyer Vernaridox
:vermillion: - Officer Vermillion (V.O.)
- Trinket Master Veltone

Trinkets - 20
Size - 20x20
Crewmates (rescuable): 4
Release Date: December 10th 2015

Download below!

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After all this.
It's finally out.


i don't use this site anymore, please don't look at my posts

sorry for 3p

Added Epilogue and changed release date area. :viridian:


Nice job! :) suprised you haven't ran out of gimmicks / room designs (unlike me)

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Quote from: Lollipop on December 12, 2015, 12:46:07 AM
Nice job! :) suprised you haven't ran out of gimmicks / room designs (unlike me)
don't worry, old forgotten gimmicks like the classics "avoid the checkpoints" or "random gravitron variant" are still perfectly usable, even if some people consider them cliched because they are on the original game. And I have two new gimmicks waiting on the wings of my project.

moth ✨

I have over 15 gimmicks up my sleeve, not sharing them  ;)


Awesome level! A few things I want to point out, in order from most to least level-breaking:
*Two rooms, right after one of the times Vertigo speaks to Viridian from afar (I forget what the rooms exactly are  :victoria:), you can glitch out of bounds by flipping into the ceiling at the right (left room) or left (right room) side of the room.
*In the first battle with Verinadox (hopefully I spelled that right), the cyan room's upper gravity line is too close to the spikes and can kill you.
*In the part where you have to hit 5 switches, the two switches on the left half of the area don't actually have to be pressed.
*Below the time machine room (before time travelling), there's a random single tile around the middle of the screen.
*In the starting room, a crumble platform is missing on the very left.

Also, is The Final Battle! even possible? Specifically, the part with the gravity lines.

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VC7 built that, you'd have to ask him

Tho i never see him online anymore


Quote from: EpicCreeper9001 on February 16, 2016, 12:56:41 AM
Awesome level! A few things I want to point out, in order from most to least level-breaking:
*Two rooms, right after one of the times Vertigo speaks to Viridian from afar (I forget what the rooms exactly are  :victoria:), you can glitch out of bounds by flipping into the ceiling at the right (left room) or left (right room) side of the room.
*In the first battle with Verinadox (hopefully I spelled that right), the cyan room's upper gravity line is too close to the spikes and can kill you.
*In the part where you have to hit 5 switches, the two switches on the left half of the area don't actually have to be pressed.
*Below the time machine room (before time travelling), there's a random single tile around the middle of the screen.
*In the starting room, a crumble platform is missing on the very left.

Also, is The Final Battle! even possible? Specifically, the part with the gravity lines.

it is, i did it. not that it matters, on the last edition, the last warping script has gone crazy and does not work


Are there multiple endings? I'm just asking because the ending seems-

Oh, I almost forgot.
       :vermillion: SPOLIER ALERT!!! :vermillion:

The ending seems confusing. When the Vuclear Vomb is supposed to vexplode, it says

Then, it flashs, then says, & I quote from the script... :vitellary:



I'm sorry, but this is nonsensical. Room 14,9 is the part where it says "It's", followed by "Time", "for", "Viridian"...
And there's no script in the game called "stop", so I'd like an explanation for this, please. The ending is, as I said, way too confusing for anyone, & I think all of us who got that ending also would like an explanation.


P.S. I'm not angry, just confused more than ever in my life.


That is supposed to be an internal script that teleports you to the room 14,9 but is botched for some reason and does not trigger correctly. Stop is normally an empty script used to end cutscenes. any word works as long as the script it redirects is empty, but people tends to use "stop" for obvious reasons

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Funny Topical Meme

Quote from: JazzyWazzy on April 08, 2016, 08:47:11 AM
Are there multiple endings? I'm just asking because the ending seems-

Oh, I almost forgot.
       :vermillion: SPOLIER ALERT!!! :vermillion:

The ending seems confusing. When the Vuclear Vomb is supposed to vexplode, it says

Then, it flashs, then says, & I quote from the script... :vitellary:



I'm sorry, but this is nonsensical. Room 14,9 is the part where it says "It's", followed by "Time", "for", "Viridian"...
And there's no script in the game called "stop", so I'd like an explanation for this, please. The ending is, as I said, way too confusing for anyone, & I think all of us who got that ending also would like an explanation.


P.S. I'm not angry, just confused more than ever in my life.
It's supposed to bring you to room (15,10).
There's no way out of that room though.