Dimension Z

Started by TrE5 41, June 05, 2016, 01:32:20 AM

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TrE5 41

Sup, i HAVE MADE A new level, give commentS, HATE IS WANTED, no 5tr4 stuff tho, just no, like no.


Bug report(will be edited)
you can glitch to the first trinket by hitting the gravityline that protects it.
In spikeland you have a spike misalighnment.


  • You have no screenshots.
  • You forgot to edit the level title and such.
  • You start off with a fake gravity line.
  • Which is in an unnecessarily warping room.
  • As Lol...ipops noted, you didn't show that there's spikes in the room "spikeland" from the preceding room, which leads to an unfair death.
  • There's just nothing interesting about this level.  There's no real challenge, nor some interesting gimmick.

i don't use this site anymore, please don't look at my posts

Hey back down man. He made this like 2 years ago.

plus he really doesnt care

I know him irl so


Why post a level you think is bad?

TrE5 41

Because I have reasons, very special reasons.


Quote from: crazya02 on June 05, 2016, 02:00:24 PM
Why post a level you think is bad?
Come on, everyone bar me has posted intentionally bad levels like "Desert Bus" or "Kreator's Revenge" at some time. And technically I sort of did too when I posted the fixed version of "Tower of Doom" and "Zanny Protocol" alongside the awfully glitchy original versions for comparison.



Quote from: 5tr4 on June 12, 2016, 06:39:41 PM
Quote from: TrE5 41 on June 05, 2016, 01:32:20 AM
, no 5tr4 stuff tho, just no, like no.
Umm... Why?
5tr4 never got hate for a bad level.