Dimensional Unity

Started by i don't use this site anymore, please don't look at my posts, December 19, 2015, 05:53:46 AM

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i don't use this site anymore, please don't look at my posts

Dimensional Unity will arrive on December 25th!

Like Switchback (ToasterApocalypse) and TLA (VC7), it's split into chapters. Get ready!
Story (it's changed a little bit.):

:vermillion: finds a new dimension and decides to explore while Viridian falls sick. (It's beacuse  :verdigris: can't drive the ship very well.) But after a week of communication lost from  :vermillion::violet: worries he's been villinapped! So she sends out  :viridian: to find him. After helping rescue a whole other crew, Viridian and new friend Captain Vernon discover that one of the D.S.S. Electri, Chief Vilna, is trapped in a colorless dimension. It's up to  :viridian: to rescue Vilna and find out who's really behind the seperation of the Electri and why.

Chapters (so far):

Chapter 1: The Electri: Similar to the main game, finding people.
Chapter 2: The (area name): Navigating through various areas.
Chapter 3: Criminal Mastermind: Navigating the Polar Dimension to find a criminal.
Chapter 4: Truth, Lies, and Obstacles: Travelling through the Polar Dimension, battling Vernaridox, and getting stuck in a strange crypt.
Chapter 5: Unity in Dimensional Space: Unifying the dimensions and putting Vernaridox's plans to end for good!

Main Characters:

:viridian: - Viridian
:vermillion: - Vermillion
:victoria: - Chief Vilna
:verdigris: - Captain Vector

Easter Eggs:
-Some rooms, like in VTTF, have references to Pixar's 2009 movie UP.
-Captain Vector clicked in my brain after doing some Adobe Illustrator and watching Despicable Me.
-More for you to find!

-In one room where you have to guess the answer to 9+10 there is an option to select 21, a reference and homage to the 9+10=21 kid, who has run away from home.



It sounds fun! I'm looking foward for it :) (edit: can't make a smiley :(

Ally 🌠

Stop doing :red:
It isn't a real emote/smiley

That Souleye Crewmate

Oh my god, why is Switchback literally everywhere???

i don't use this site anymore, please don't look at my posts

Switchback and Open are special to me because they were the first VVVVVV levels I ever played besides the usual ones that come with the game. :viridian:

That Souleye Crewmate

No, i mean, EVERYONE talks about Switchback nowadays

i don't use this site anymore, please don't look at my posts

The level is zipped! Waiting now... might release it early! :viridian:


wait the 21 kid ran away from home  :vitellary:


hype train intensifies
hype trainhype trainhype trainHYPE TRAIN!!!!!!!!!*WORLD IMPLODES FROM TOO MUCH HYPE* :o :o :o well , that escalated quickly!

i don't use this site anymore, please don't look at my posts

wun dey to go go power rangerss


I don't even know what that means :o

i don't use this site anymore, please don't look at my posts

IT MEANS 1 DAY TO GO!!!!!111!!1!1!!!!!!!one!!1!1!oneoneone11!!!11eleven!1!1!!!!!


It is the 25th. Why isn't it out?

moth ✨


Different timezones exist. I bet you  5 dollars that he was asleep as of THAT post. Even I was asleep then. But you are obviously in a different timezone than me, so I won't complain.