We need a new logo

Started by moth ✨, May 17, 2016, 05:50:32 PM

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moth ✨

Ally 🌠

moth ✨

better keep it simple like mine and don't capitalize anything


distractionware forums

Bold and red text

moth ✨

Quote from: SteveGamer68 on May 31, 2016, 05:25:16 AM
distractionware forums

Bold and red text
no mine is better
TERRY GET ON IT *snaps fingers*



"VVVVVVDistractionware forums"
For all your things


If you're going to do a logo like that, it should be in the Commodore font.

moth ✨

no it shouldn't? I've tried, it doesn't fit in the space requirement. Pet me and PM64/128 are too wide.