Live ReVVVVVViews!

Started by Tainy, September 19, 2016, 06:07:42 PM

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Some of you may have seen my Level ReVVVVVViews series on youtube, and I am doing a live stream of reviews!
Watch here! Do !request in chat to suggest a level!
Edit: Postponed for a bit. Gonna wait for viewers and levels to pile up for a bit.



Maybe you would get more views if you didn't do it before noon on a Monday...
(and if you live in some odd timezone that allows 11:00 to be 16:00 or something, maybe be considerate of other people)

Okay, sure, it was 2:00, but it was still Monday and that's not nearly a decent time for people who have school and / or work . . .

moth ✨

Quote from: manofperson on September 20, 2016, 02:33:49 PM
Maybe you would get more views if you didn't do it before noon on a Monday...
(and if you live in some odd timezone that allows 11:00 to be 16:00 or something, maybe be considerate of other people)
wow we've got the same timezone


Quote from: ShinyKitten07 on September 20, 2016, 10:28:41 PM
wow we've got the same timezone
We don't, I just never changed mine from the default 0. It's actually +3 EST


Your streams are going at 22.00 by my time.  :victoria: