Started by pixelator, September 26, 2016, 09:58:15 PM

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Done it.
1213 deaths
2 1/2 hours

well this is my second post since last year


yay 1.1 is out

changelogs are for nerds

download can be found here and in the original post




even though my level is complete there were still a bunch of bugs in the scripts
I fixed them in version 1.2, which can be found here and in the original post
I also made the tower drill instant if you go through it after the first time
hooray again
also I'll never post again because post count so bye



Quote from: Mr. Pixelator on October 03, 2017, 08:09:06 PM
even though my level is complete there were still a bunch of bugs in the scripts
I fixed them in version 1.2, which can be found here and in the original post
I also made the tower drill instant if you go through it after the first time
hooray again
also I'll never post again because post count so bye

stop at 420


Apparently you placed a grav line in the wrong spot of a gravitron section , because SomeGuy712x managed to get a gravitron fling on the gravitron section. (Also I'm back , so there's that)

Bruce Michez

Quote from: 5tr4 on October 13, 2017, 11:06:03 PM
Apparently you placed a grav line in the wrong spot of a gravitron section , because SomeGuy712x managed to get a gravitron fling on the gravitron section. (Also I'm back , so there's that)

I rather think he just got unlucky there.  It happened to me in Dimension Switchback once.


Here's 1.2.1, which makes it so Viridian flips to the floor in the Gravitron cutscene, to prevent you from breaking the room.



  • nerfs "The Plumber Has Arrived" and "The Weird Room"
  • adds a second gravline overlapping the one in "...or not" so if you saved and quit you can get past it even if it's still there
download below but not in the original post because I'm too lazy lol


Update 1.3.0 has been released!


  • Optimized all the scripts
  • Added Level Complete screens to all the areas
  • Added a Game Complete screen to the end
  • Extended the ending cutscene to make it end less abruptly
  • Modified some room names and cutscenes
  • Changed some tile designs in the Lab
  • Added back the transparency to the Lab spikes (seriously why were they black)
  • Modified the bottom left Ship room
  • Added more to the ship at the end
  • Tried to make collected trinkets appear on the ship, but no

Download can be found here as well as in the original post.
This update includes more graphics files than just tiles2.png, so be sure to download the graphics attachment again even if you have before.[/list]


Update 1.3.1 is out, already!


  • Actually added Vermilion to the ship at the end, whoops

Custom expressions require the custom sprites.png, so be sure to download the graphics again.