How do I change the music in the level editor?

Started by Gawne, January 18, 2017, 09:15:47 PM

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I recently took interest into VVVVVV's level editor, but I've been playing this game for years! But yeah, as the title says, I can't figure out how to change the song in a level that I'm making. Correct me if I'm wrong but this IS how you change the song in a level, right?

Using a script box I put this in the script:

But when I try that, it either doesn't work or it simply mutes my game and can't be unmuted unless I exit and reopen the game. If anyone can help me out that would be awesome!

-Thanks, Gawne  :)


you're not actually supposed to type "N"- you're supposed to put a number there. quoth FIQ:
Quote0 - Silence (no music)
1 - Pushing onwards
2 - Positive force
3 - Potential for anything
4 - Passion for exploring
5 - Presenting VVVVVV
6 - Predestined fate
7 - Popular potpurri
8 - Pipe dream
9 - Pressure cooker
10 - Paced energy
11 - Piercing the sky
so having "music(7)" as a script would play Popular potpurri, for example.


yeah, that's what I did, I just put the n in there as in the song number.


The game mutes sound when you press M, even in the script editor, so typing "music" will also cause it to be muted until you press M again.


oh, gotcha! But why won't it from one song to another?

just kidding that was the problem, thanks :D