The music from VVVVVV has now been remixed, and...

Started by SoulEye, March 13, 2011, 10:23:59 PM

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... And my new homepage is the host for this goodness!


And there's a preview for the album here and it's awesome and it's the only thing I've been listening to for the past two days and everyone should go get it because oh my god!

The Brass

Many of the song sound a bit messy from the preview. But the piano remixes of Pushing Onwards / Positive Force sound great, as does the guitar Passion for Exploring.  I'm also interested what all you've made out of Pressure Cooker, hard to get a good picture from the preview.


Yeah, they all sound messed up on the preview. There are some cool mixes there, though.


I rarely buy/acquire new music, but this and PPPPPP are the last two albums I bought. I'd have paid more than the minimum $6, but I shouldn't be spending any money on frivolous things to begin with, but I couldn't help myself!   Can't wait to listen!  Thanks Magnus and everyone else involved!

edit:  Extra Silent remix...  sounds like a John Cage 4'33" cover :P


But they are soooooo different!

4'33" is about experiencing your own silence in your own way. My song is about anticipating how awesome the next song is going to be! :D


I'm currently reading The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss, which begins with a description of three silences at one time. Try to make that into a song!  :vermillion:


No problem! I got this down HARD. I mean, my tune is so magnificiently crafted it's kind of hard to deny it, amirite? ;P


Quote from: SoulEye on March 21, 2011, 06:46:43 PM
4'33" is about experiencing your own silence in your own way. My song is about anticipating how awesome the next song is going to be! :D

Heh, well, I'll totally agree to the latter :)


Awesome music bro  :viridian:
Especially Verdegrands piano arrangements sound kind of epic (whoever like it too should browse through his yt-channel, you find a lot of other great tracks there).
I just have one question. At the end of Chris Geehans contribution there are some strange "rustles". It this working as intended?


Thanks! :)

I assume you're referring to the "old radio noise" effect and if so, yes, that's intentional by Chris.

I am Ry

It sounds pretty cool, I'm thinking about it c:

(Nothing will ever come close to the original "Pushing Onwards" in my opinion)


the VVVVVV part of the video... where the screen was moving, like the tower, but was that the tower? I don't remember that part...

Edit:  Nevermind lol.... But I wish we could do that in the editor...  :victoria: :victoria: :victoria:


I noticed that the PPPPPPowerup! bonus material version of Fushing Onwards sounds worse (as far as quality) than the FFFFFFFFFF version. Any idea why? I sent you the uncompressed file IIRC, and the FFFFFFFFFF version is compressed, so it doesn't make much sense.  ???


Hmm, I don't hear it, tell me what to listen for!

But yeah, it's a bit weird since FLAC is lossless, it's supposed to be exactly like the file you sent.