How many hours have you sunken into VVVVVV?

Started by Gawne, January 23, 2017, 04:37:36 AM

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Just 10 so far. But I'm probably going to rack up more the more I design levels heh. I love making levels. I did it for Portal and now I will do it for VVVVVV :P


At least you actually have the constant urge to design levels. Mine comes and goes.

Also your username is spot on!


153 hours on steam, maybe a little longer on 3DS. ;)

Ally 🌠

hasnt increased that much since last time but still something
the main reason is i have wayy too much stuff to do now and
vvvvvv is dying for me whoops


Wow, i havent played this game for almost a year
Miss this game  :D



Ally 🌠

he cheats he leaves v open overnight i dont do that


If that's the case I retract my previous "oh shit" and give it to you instead for having 700+ legitimate hours in VVVVVV.

*Blows party horn*


that was a joke I made on the discord

I really leave it open whenever I make a level with ved to playtest

Ally 🌠



Quotego smell urself off a cliff

Now that's a 200 IQ insult if I've ever heard one

Ally 🌠