Enemy types

Started by pattoo1234, January 16, 2017, 04:56:48 PM

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Here is what I think all the enemies in VVVVVV are:
Traffic Jam: Stop Signs,
Linear Collider: Lasers,
Security Sweep: Bouncy Ball,
The Yes Men: The Yes Men,
Trench Warfare: Tribesmen,
B-B-B-Busted: Bus,
The Tomb Of Mad Carew: Ghost,
Brass Sent Us Under The Top: ???,
Vibrating String Problem: Squares,
Kids His Age Bounce: Circles,
Take The Red Pill: Random Numbers,
Short Circuit: Headless Firemen,
Time To Get Serious: The Word OBEY,
Ascending And Descending: ???,
Shockwave Rider: Triangles,
Sweeney's Maze: Centipedes,
Mind The Gap: Stripey Squares,
Edge Games: Pac-Men,
I Love You: Hearts,
That's Why I Have To Kill You: Broken Hearts,
Boldly To Go: The Word TRUTH,
You Chose... Poorly: Skeletons,
Backsliders: Glitches,
The Cuckoo-Chipper Cipher: The Word LIES,
The Solution Is Dilution-Level Complete!: Pollution,
The Hanged Man, Reversed: Shield,
$eeing Dollar $igns: Coins,
A Deception: Hourglasses.

moth ✨


No, those ones are red.


Any other comments about my list?


Yeah, it's not nearly as good as mine.