Suggestions for a hypothetical v1.3

Started by jarreboum, September 09, 2010, 12:26:05 PM

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Ok so I have not found subjects of this kind, so I guess I'll start one.

I have bought VVVVVV through Steam and finished the main adventure (20 trinkets). I find it really enjoyable, but I have a few gripes about the control design (silly things really):

- Why separate Enter and Esc? Enter brings the map, the recap of your progress, your stats, quicksave. Why not add the option to quit somewhere in there? (two button pad, Master system/generic DE-9 gamepads)
- Switch off the sound in the Esc Menu. The music is great, but pausing the game should pause the music too so you can, like, answer the phone.
- The design i actually like the most, a four button scheme: Button 1 (gravity, forward in menu), Button 2 (talk, read computer, backward in menu), Select (Map, progress), Start (Pause, quicksave, quit game). Think NES pad here.
- An option to disable up/down to invert gravity. Some people use it, some other don't. I mapped the four directions on my pad (to use it in the menus), and quite often I changed gravity unwilingly (notably under stress in the tower)

- Is it moddable? I would like to share some insane challenges with other users.
- Make the loading screen fullscreen too? I like it.


I do agree... I mapped this to a controller myself (after beating the game), and while up/down is quite handy in menus, I refuse to map it because I know I'll accidentally flip =/ (However, you can also use left/right in the menus.)

Also, hit M for mute. Yes, it should fade at least to a murmur when in the pause screen, but just so ya know.  ;)

Aaaaaaaaand yeah, you should make the Backspace key another key to the Esc menu (and also add a quicksave option there, too, as well as an options screen for fullscreen/windowed toggle, backgrounds on/off (handy for recording, since they tend to lag/look fuzzy) and sound on/off! :D)

And of course, a level editor whenever you get the chance. :D


Another one:

Escape should escape the escape menu.


Have these suggestions ever been read?