Level Making Showdown

Started by pattoo1234, June 01, 2017, 05:50:11 PM

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Ok, 4eetr5, you DID have screenshots, but you can CLEARLY see the magnifier cursor on the right, and it looks so weird.


Quote from: 5tr4 on June 04, 2017, 05:16:20 PM
The dead end room has spikes.
It also has a checkpoint (in 'anticlimax') so the room is un-escapable.
QuoteThe trinket room glitching out is used in 2 of your points and I used the moving platforms in it on purpose.
I know I mentioned the glitching platforms twice but to decide the winner, I didn't add the points up so that doesn't give you a disadvantage against pattoo.
QuoteThem glitching out looks cool and makes a good challenge.
You might think it looks cool, but I don't and it is not a good challenge- it is luck based.
And most of the stuff in pattoo's level is copied from other levels. That come with the game. The electric shock is from Soul Searching.
I know this but I don't think copying things from other levels is that bad. Obviously it is plagiarism to copy an entire level or story and make small adjustments but taking inspiration from other people isn't a bad thing.
QuoteYou literally gave pattoo points for using scripting but not me.
Sorry, I forgot about that.
QuoteYou gave pattoo points for covering the bottom row with the roomname but you deducted points from me for doing the same thing.
I gave pattoo points because his room used the roomname as a level gimmick where you fall off the screen because you can't see the hole, your level covers up the bottom of the screen for no reason.
QuoteYou gave pattoo tons of points for stuff i do all the time , but I dont get points for those.
Quote from: mrytp on June 04, 2017, 04:44:26 PM
Review Part 2:
+ You have used direct mode, music and roomnames
And come on , you don't give me points for having the right amount of difficulty in trinket challenges? Or for not having repeating scripts?
But your trinket challenge didn't have the right amount of difficulty- it is luck based. Also, repeating scripts aren't too bad as long as you only go through that room once.


My two cents, sorry for being an awful critic lol
oof the video quality is awful im so sorry


Oh crap I just realized that I misplaced the exit of a warp token. It should warp to the tunnel inside the room Quantum Tunneling but instead it warps you to the room Dead End. Remember people , this is why you must always test your levels. I'm also going to make a warp in the trinket challenges if you don't want to do them. And make Arbitrary Code Execution less luck based. And you know , improve the level in general. Am I even allowed to do this?? Or not?


If you have already submitted the level, then I'd say no. Besides, I've voted already anyway.


And the winner of the contest is.....
It's a tie. We need one more vote to decide.


Uhhhh...? There's Quote voting for you, and mrytp and I voting against you. Who's the fourth person?


No , I'm talking about the votes on the strawpoll http://www.strawpoll.me/13110127/r


Quote from: uugr on June 06, 2017, 07:38:04 PM
Uhhhh...? There's Quote voting fo
r you, and mrytp and I voting against you. Who's the fourth person?
Quote from: 5tr4 on June 06, 2017, 08:14:49 PM
No , I'm talking about the votes on the strawpoll http://www.strawpoll.me/13110127/r
Ok, so I'm going to write a comment here then.
Basically I've been reading most of the comments here, but didn't really think it was worth commenting on.

So, I think both levels weren't that impressive.
I'm not going to write stuff that has already been said here again.
Pattoo had somewhat of an ending instead of just a room with a Crewmate at the end.
5tr4 had the "And I'm going to eat you"-Joke at the end.
My major problem with "Iota" was that it very heavily relied on bugs. Trinket
It's interesting to see that VVVVVV also was the bug with falling into a 3 Block Gap, but I don't think that's good gameplay.

So I voted for Pattoo on the Poll.

Now everything makes even less sense.

. . . apparently the Poll just changed while I've been writing this, I actually voted the day 5tr4 submitted his level.


Ok pattoo , you win. Yay. And it's all because I didn't playtest. I just thought of a great idea. I'm gonna make a collab with pattoo. There is one level that I've been working on for a while , but it's largely incomplete. Pattoo , I'm gonna have you make the next zone , then me , then you , and so on. I'll go make another topic for it.


Quote from: 5tr4And it's all because I didn't playtest.

What the hell. That's like, basic level making. That's one of the most basic things every single designer should do. This isn't a tiny thing, it's what you should be spending a decent percentage of your level design time on. You can't just ballpark and say "eh, that looks fine". It's like presenting an empty level shell and saying "whoops! Silly me, I forgot to add in gameplay. What a relatable problem, right guys?" That's not something you can just 'not do'. I wish I could vote pattoo twice now, that's horrible.


QuoteI wish I could vote pattoo twice now.

Never expected you to say THAT!

Ally 🌠

I never expected anyone to vote for either
both are shit


So apparently someguy712x played both levels and linked to the strawpoll , and a lot of people voted on the strawpoll. So I have 33 votes and pattoo has 17 votes. I guess I win? http://www.strawpoll.me/13110127/r


Quote from: 5tr4 on June 06, 2017, 09:22:28 PM
Ok pattoo , you win. Yay. And it's all because I didn't playtest. I just thought of a great idea. I'm gonna make a collab with pattoo. There is one level that I've been working on for a while, but it's largely incomplete. Pattoo , I'm gonna have you make the next zone, then me, then you, and so on. I'll go make another topic for it.
With my vote, you won on the strawpoll. The level is fine, but pattoo's is, both are indescribable.