
Started by Domi Revived, June 20, 2017, 11:18:35 AM

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Domi Revived

Hello everyone!
I'm not entirely new on the forum because I already had an account here but I completely forgot it.
I'm making much better VVVVVV levels nowadays anyway, so having this new account and a fresh new start is really good for me.

Anyway, the subject is my NEWEST map: Interdimensional!
- All 5 crewmates ( :victoria::vermillion::vitellary::verdigris: and  :violet:)
- SIX trinkets to get!
- A grand total of 100 rooms (app. 80 of them are used)
- A basic story!
- New and exciting challenges!
and... more!!!


Coming Soon! I'm too lazy to make them right now!

All kinds of useful feedback is accepted and waited!
Thank you for playing this new level!

This topic doesn't look impressive, but the actual level is really good and has been tested for a long time!


if you could provide some srceenshots then we could find out what's this about just tellin ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I got to Vitellary and the game said 'THE END!', but after rescuing I still had two crewmates and a trinket remaining. I think I skipped some of them...? You should probably make sure your crewmates aren't missable before posting the level.

Other than that, your level was fairly buggy, but otherwise fine I guess. The gameplay was mostly basic challenges, I didn't see anything in the way of gimmicks or original mechanics. The writing was, uh, not the best, but at least it was a lot better than VXVXVX I suppose. As far as visuals go, a good start to improving would be to, y'know, actually fill out the outside of the rooms so the player isn't just floating in the infinite void of nothingness. Also, have you heard of Direct Mode? Try pressing F10 and you can do some nice-lookin' stuff.

By the way, if a player is transitioning rooms, DON'T put spikes directly in front of them unless they're far enough away for the player to react. Putting spikes where the player has no time to react is a cheap trick and is just annoying.

There were some places where you probably should have put a checkpoint, since there was a break in the challenge and there's really no reason not to. I really don't think pointlessly withholding checkpoints from the player ever makes a level BETTER. Yeah, it makes it 'harder', but it's just fake difficulty... Besides, nobody at this point should be trying to make "the HARDEST LEVEL!!" We've already got waaaay too many of those, and they're, like, the first thing anyone ever does the second they find out this game has a level editor.

There was no backing in your level!!! Backing is nice. (Press '2' to add backing like you would add walls.)

In 'Align Yourself!' and 'DIY Repair VX' there's a spot where the player can go through the edge of the room and get stuck in a wall. You should probably, like, fix that.

In 'The Evil Blocks' (and a couple other rooms I think), there's a gravity line right up to a spike. Don't do this! Due to the way momentum works in the game, Viridian will SOMETIMES go past the gravity lines and hit the spikes before flipping, making the challenge essentially luck-based.

Quote from: Domi Revivedthe actual level. . .has been tested for a long time!

Reminds me of the devil from Pony Island. 'IT WAS GOING TO WORK, I TESTED IT 1000 TIMES!' [loading screen breaks]

Domi Revived

Quote from: uugr on June 20, 2017, 03:26:19 PM
I got to Vitellary and the game said 'THE END!', but after rescuing I still had two crewmates and a trinket remaining. I think I skipped some of them...? You should probably make sure your crewmates aren't missable before posting the level.

I don't know how you were able to skip two crewmates without noticing. I might not be able to fix that.

Other than that, your level was fairly buggy, but otherwise fine I guess. The gameplay was mostly basic challenges, I didn't see anything in the way of gimmicks or original mechanics. The writing was, uh, not the best, but at least it was a lot better than VXVXVX I suppose. As far as visuals go, a good start to improving would be to, y'know, actually fill out the outside of the rooms so the player isn't just floating in the infinite void of nothingness. Also, have you heard of Direct Mode? Try pressing F10 and you can do some nice-lookin' stuff.

Yes, I know the visuals aren't great, however keep in mind that this level takes place in the Interdimensional Supervoid, as told by the level's scripts. BTW, I know about Direct Mode and F10.

By the way, if a player is transitioning rooms, DON'T put spikes directly in front of them unless they're far enough away for the player to react. Putting spikes where the player has no time to react is a cheap trick and is just annoying.

Believe it or not, but I actually had problems with this during testing! This is really just a simple 'must fix' for me.

There were some places where you probably should have put a checkpoint, since there was a break in the challenge and there's really no reason not to. I really don't think pointlessly withholding checkpoints from the player ever makes a level BETTER. Yeah, it makes it 'harder', but it's just fake difficulty... Besides, nobody at this point should be trying to make "the HARDEST LEVEL!!" We've already got waaaay too many of those, and they're, like, the first thing anyone ever does the second they find out this game has a level editor.

Well, to be honest, the only place where this level REALLY lacks checkpoints is near the beginning of the level, that Veni Vidi Vici thing-y. I will make it a bit easier.

There was no backing in your level!!! Backing is nice. (Press '2' to add backing like you would add walls.)

I know. I will fix this soon.

In 'Align Yourself!' and 'DIY Repair VX' there's a spot where the player can go through the edge of the room and get stuck in a wall. You should probably, like, fix that.

To be honest, I never had issues with those two rooms even in their final forms! I will check and analyze them, though.

In 'The Evil Blocks' (and a couple other rooms I think), there's a gravity line right up to a spike. Don't do this! Due to the way momentum works in the game, Viridian will SOMETIMES go past the gravity lines and hit the spikes before flipping, making the challenge essentially luck-based.

The thing is, I forgot to remove that from the final release. I will fix this soon.

Quote from: Domi Revivedthe actual level. . .has been tested for a long time!

Reminds me of the devil from Pony Island. 'IT WAS GOING TO WORK, I TESTED IT 1000 TIMES!' [loading screen breaks]

I didn't know about that Pony Island devil thing. Anyway, that is kinda the truth.

You made really good points, uugr. Thanks for the feedback. Most of these issues will be fixed soon in later versions!

moth ✨

theres a problem with your quote blocks just a heads up

Domi Revived

Quote from: shiny k on June 20, 2017, 08:19:56 PM
theres a problem with your quote blocks just a heads up
I know. I don't know exactly how to have many different quotes in one post.  :victoria:

moth ✨

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