The Chambers - My Second (and much better) Level

Started by megaminerzero, February 01, 2014, 08:31:08 PM

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After my first level, I though I could do better. After some time since my last level, I have completed a nice big 10x10 map, with 12 trinkets. Each tier of 10 rooms I have tried to give a specific theme, some featuring grav. lines, others using disappearing and moving platforms, etc.
I hope this is an improvement from my first attempt at VVVVVV level making.



Very nice level! This is a fairly difficult level, but thankfully, the difficulty usually does not rely on being pixel perfect. There is quite a number of innovative ideas here and there. While I skipped the end as the opening room happens to be the hardest one (seriously?) and some optional trinkets, I like this level a lot.


Cool. although it hard to get trinket, but it wasn't bored.
first time to get first trinket. i get 100 more of death ;).


I must be a noob because I couldn't get by the 'Sidewinder' room.