The hidden rooms of TRDJN's Contest Level (ARPNR)

Started by Desgracias, August 31, 2024, 06:48:12 PM

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Now for those who have ever played TRDJN's Contest Level aka ARPNR, you might or might not know about the level's secret rooms if extended to 15x11.

Now the level is 10x5 meaning it normally has 50 rooms. However, one of the terminals in the level said "I started with a 5x5 map and copied it multiple times for different parts of the story" or something like that, meaning the level originally could have been bigger.

If you extend the map to be 15x10 (150 rooms in total) you will see 4 of the left 25 rooms of the level but with no walls, backing, spikes or anything that counts as a tile, and the first column of 5 rooms has each room named (e.g the second room is called Bank). It's possible that these rooms originally had names but got removed for some reason.

It's also possible that the right 25 rooms were originally a copy of the left 25. Anyways, there appears to be 6 copies of the left 25 rooms.

Now if you add another row of 15 rooms at the bottom by extending the map to 15x11 (165 rooms in total), you will find 15 more hidden rooms being what appears to be copies of the rooms in the bottom row of the 25 rooms placed randomly.

Rooms (11,6) to (15,6) appear to be the same rooms as I just mentioned but not placed randomly. Anyways, rooms (7,11) to (10,11) are hidden rooms not related to the 5x5 map at all. Instead they are hidden ending rooms that were scrapped.

If TRDJN replies to this, please show me a screenshot of the original rooms if you have one.

Anyways, that's all I have to say for now, From Uli, 11 years old. Thank you for reading.