Dimension XXXXXX

Started by weee50, August 07, 2013, 08:12:44 PM

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I have a new VVVVVV level! ;D You need to rescue , and . It has 6 :shiny: 's.

Click here to download.

Fixed gravline glitch in the gravitron

Beta (Not avalible (Spelling?) to the public)
First release


There're a lot of bugs produced due to the gravitrons.
There's also seriously wall glitch in the Regular Service bla bla bla.


Quote from: nicholashin on August 09, 2013, 07:48:19 AM
There're a lot of bugs produced due to the gravitrons.
There's also seriously wall glitch in the Regular Service bla bla bla.
What gravitron has the bug? The one in the Space Station or the one in the Final Level?
What do you mean by Regular Service?


Quote from: weee50 on August 10, 2013, 06:16:52 PM
Quote from: nicholashin on August 09, 2013, 07:48:19 AM
There're a lot of bugs produced due to the gravitrons.
There's also seriously wall glitch in the Regular Service bla bla bla.
What gravitron has the bug? The one in the Space Station or the one in the Final Level?
What do you mean by Regular Service?
1. Both. The first one mess up if you flip to there and reach the wall, then tap a few times and you 'll get the Gravitron again, yet in other rooms..I also messed up the one in the final level, but I forgot...
2. The one in Polar Dimension. Regular Service Will Return Shortly.
Also, it's impossible to 'cheat' as many warp destination are partially/completely surrounded by walls, leaving Viridian to be sent to weird positions.


UGH!!! My game got glitched and i cant play a level again  :'(


There's a glitch when I rescue  :violet: and  :victoria: where I get frozen and can't move. I even tried pressing R but I was still frozen. Only happens In this level.  :'(