The first VVVVVV prototype

Started by Terry, January 12, 2010, 10:40:59 PM

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There is disappointingly little information about Matt Grey that is easily findable on the internet.  Where can I hear more of his music?



Oh! Or if you just want the songs individually you can download each from here:

To play SID tunes, you need SIDPlay2 for windows or the completely different SIDPlay for Mac.

Damn It AL to Hell

The prototype looks pretty nice, but your final product is outstanding! :viridian:


That was a very interesting prototype!
Man the controls were slippery and yeah, I can see a lot of work went into this game from what I just played to what it is now.

Makes me wonder who what does the " S " stands for? o.o
Pretty neat tho, the coins were a good idea to be removed from the game.
I love when developers make these  "Behind The Scenes" , I love when they share this kind of stuff.


I personally thought the coins were interesting to get.

But Viridian looked like he was Chinese when he died.

And that quicksand dissapearing thing was pretty cool - wish we could use that.

And I loved the little ghosts too! They were awesome! I'm so gonna find a way to put them in the game..

But the platforms not carrying V - not cool.


Yehe, everything is coated in lots of oil and grease.

I like how you changed the room names too. Some of those in the prototype were a bit short/not clever enough.


I'm glad this got bumped, because this was a really interesting thing to play.

Ditching the coins was absolutely the right idea.


The controls really annoyed me, it's like Viridian walks on ice all the way through the space station. Made Driller a nightmare.  :P
But I love how the prototype had the name VVVVVVVV.  :viridian:
Great to see how the game has developed from the early prototype to the gem we today have on our hard drives.


The checkpoint "S" probably means "save point" or something along those lines.

Damn It AL to Hell

Annoying movements, HE SLIDES TOO MUCH!


Wow, brand new challenges with a familiar feel.  :D  That super slipperiness did make it take me forever to get through it.  Haha, that was a pretty cool prototype.  And a great song.  :D 


Heh, nice  :viridian:

I agree with everyone else on the flaws, though, and one thing that was conspicuously absent was checkpoints in every room. I'm really glad you added that idea, it's one of the best parts about VVVVVV!


Quote from: Terry on January 27, 2010, 02:21:18 PM
Oh! Or if you just want the songs individually you can download each from here:

To play SID tunes, you need SIDPlay2 for windows or the completely different SIDPlay for Mac.


i would like to play the lab prototype :)