Immediate SEGFAULT on Linux

Started by TechMage89, July 27, 2011, 12:08:17 AM

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Hello! I just got VVVVVV 2.0 with the Humble Indie Bundle, and I'm having issues getting it running. It looks like it's very particular about the library versions it wants, and link/load doesn't seem to be quite as expected.

After briefly trying to set it up by hand, I found this PKGBUILD:

However, while it manages the dependencies and packaging nicely, there still seems to be an issue. When I try to run vvvvvv, it segfaults immediately. Attaching a debugger, it looks as if it's segfaulting in SDL_DisplayFormatAlpha. Furthermore, it looks like it's loading the system version of SDL rather than the one shipped, which might be related.

I could attempt to force it to load its own version of SDL, but I wonder two things:
    1.) Is this likely to fix the problem?
    2.) Why does vvvvvv require its own version of SDL? Are there specific patches/hacks in the shipped SDL that won't exist in the distro version, or is it just to avoid having to test accross a bunch of versions/distros?

Thank you very much for VVVVVV 2.0, I look forward to playing it!

Edit: Tried force-loading included SDL with LD_PRELOAD, verfied the right version loaded, but it still segfaults in the same place. It also complains about the lack of a version number in libaa and libjpeg.

Edit 2: OK, found the problem. Turns out the included libraries are incompatible with my system, but if I load only system libs, it works fine. Maybe it would be better to just rely on system libs?


I'll have to ask Simon about this one! He's the linux expert, so I'm sure he had a reason for setting things up the way he did.

Glad you were able to get it working, in any case! :viridian: