Issho ni 【一緒に】~ Co-op VVVVVV (kinda)

Started by Lollipop, January 04, 2018, 12:29:50 AM

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Well, here's something a little special.



~Issho ni~
A Co-op VVVVVV Level

Don't get your hopes up, I did NOT find a way to allow two players to play one level at the same time. Instead, something a little different happens.

For starters, get in contact with a friend/someone else, and make sure they have a copy of VVVVVV. Then using a chat program of your choice, find some way to talk to each other. (For the full experience please only use voice, don't send pictures or anything like that)

Once you download the zip file, there are two levels inside. You choose one, the other person chooses the other.
You both boot up VVVVVV, and play! Challenge your communication and see if you can make it out with your partner.
As the title says, you have to do it together.

The level should only take 2 hours at most to complete.

This is an experimental level, so pointing out bugs, errors and leaving feedback would be greatly appreciated.


This is a really neat level! I'm actually doing a video with one of my friends playing this level, and it's really fun!



v.1.1 fixed a bug

(all i did was edit 2passcheck4 in player 2's level and changed the flag number)


In the desc of Player 2's level it says platers instead of players


Quote from: Duckman50001 on January 07, 2018, 04:42:34 AM
In the desc of Player 2's level it says platers instead of players

fixed that

if you already have v1.1 dont bother with updating, its the exact same levels except for that change