Tempel van Hond [v1.1]

Started by Info Teddy, April 27, 2018, 12:06:57 AM

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Info Teddy

alexia's discord hit 100 members and got people to submit a phrase. it turns out the phrases were for a 3-week level making contest. my entry won first place in round 1

here are the judges' comments for v1.0 of the level (note: the lack of cutscene bars "alek" complained about has been fixed in v1.1):
    9.7/10 (cool gimmick, nice graphics, nice "facepics", neat music, not too hard level design, etc... nice!)
    jesus fuck
    that was great
    the gimmicks were so cool
    10/10, really
    A special effects extravaganza! Featuring custom tiles, custom music, and a new mechanic that I have no idea how the scripting works
    The textboxes look cool but the lack of cutscene bar delay lead to accidental skipping of text which isn't good.
    The music sounds really weird but fits the level well. The fact that it's such a short loop can get a little grating, but there's only so much you can do in a short timeframe
    Good level, everything is polished, the scripting is advanced, and the custom assets look good. It has custom music as well. Original concepts too; I don't think I've seen the special kinds of disappearing platforms before.
    Ok, we all know this one is going to win so I'm just going to cut to the chase and say it's 10/10 right here. The amount of work in this next to the rest of the contest is like building the fucking LHC for a middle school science fair. The platform gimmick wasn't super exciting in a vacuum, but it clearly took effort and was executed as well as it could be. The phrase was used to great effect, and the complete custom graphics and dialogue system thing was just pushed this level even further above every other one. Plus, the glorious ending. I shed tears.
    6.8/10 ("i really enjoyed the custom graphics for this level and it's consistent difficulty")


edit: updated link because mixtape dead (too lazy to update preview screenshots)

Ally 🌠

Quote from: Info Teddy on April 27, 2018, 12:06:57 AM
alexia's discord hit 100 members and got people to submit a phrase. it turns out the phrases were for a 3-week level making contest. my entry won first place in round 1
more stuff like this will happen if we get new members so quick everyone join

this level was seriously one of the best levels made yet and id recommend it


A) yeah the level is amazing, highly recommend
B) wtf aren't you banned from here