4-Way Pandemonium ~ The Return of Co-op VVVVVV

Started by Lollipop, December 31, 2018, 12:30:52 AM

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From the guy who brought you the 2-player VVVVVV level, I now present to you the 4-player VVVVVV level !!!1!!1!!1! (god help my soul)

Plot: the crew is broke, so Viridian (Player 1), Vitellary (Player 2), Vermillion (Player 3), and Verdigris (Player 4) have signed up to partake in an experiment in exchange for money.




Playtime is estimated to be around 30mins ~ an hour Upon further analysis, playtime is probably around 2-3 hours at the LEAST.


1. for starters, find 3 other people who are willing to play (this is un-ironically the hardest part of the whole setup)
2. Use some sort of communication software (Discord, Skype, it doesn't really matter) so you can all speak with each other. Don't screenshare, it'd ruin the experience.
3. Download the zip file. In the zip file, you will see files titled 4waypandemonium_p[NUMBER HERE].vvvvvv. One person for each file. That's your version of the level. Replace tiles2 with the one in the zip.
4. The MASTER file, 4 player guide.txt, and 4 player maze paths.txt are just tools you can use if you guys get stuck.
5. Everyone boots up VVVVVV and plays.

Simple, right???????????

NOTE: This level is experimental, so there's a good chance I messed up somewhere whilst making this. Please report any bugs/glitches you come across while playing the level.

and that's it, go have some fun.

also happy 2019