Version 2: Report bugs here

Started by Terry, July 28, 2011, 03:15:02 AM

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Not sure if this is a bug or not, but you can navigate the main menu with W and S keys, but you can only use the arrow keys in the level editor.

Also, you can unlock time trials in the game by collecting trinkets in player levels.
/e: And collecting trinkets in the game didn't unlock time trials for me!


This affects the Mac version:

Save games are saved in the user's Documents folder, not in the user's Library → Application Support folder.

The expected behavior on a Mac is that no app touches the Documents folder without the user's explicit permission (e.g. when saving a document with the standard save panel).

Game and application data is supposed to be saved either in the user's Library → Application Support folder or in the Library → Preferences folder. All other places are supposed to be strictly off limits for all apps.

I'm running OS X Lion.


There seems to be an issue with trapping the mouse on windows.  I've recorded a video illustrating the issue as i'd have trouble describing it.  But in short, the window becomes unmovable after putting it into and out of full screen manually with alt enter.

There's more details in the youtube comment


On version 2.0.1 on OS X 10.5.8, I find that there's no way to leave the control-click state: once I've control-clicked, even mouse motion with nothing held seems to generate right-click events.  Makes the level editor a little unusable :victoria:


I think I found a problem. I saved at the checkpoint at 'The Final Challenge'. When I re-opened the game and continued from quicksave the screen scrolls, and my character does not appear. At this point I am unable to use any controls including opening the menu or the map.


Ah, that's the same bug as the tower saving glitch, sorry. We'll get that one in the patch too.



Dying at the same time that Captain Viridian touches a deteriorating platform will result in the platform disappearing once he respawns (provided that the checkpoint is on the same screen). This can be seen in this screenshot; I died where the missing platform is, all of the other platforms respawned except for that one since it was in the process of disappearing.

This happens with gravity lines too, but they only flicker and make a sound; Captain Viridian is left unaffected. There are cases where he will momentarily be flipped but it is corrected when he spawns.


Quote from: Psychopath on July 29, 2011, 02:06:44 AM
Dying at the same time that Captain Viridian touches a deteriorating platform will result in the platform disappearing once he respawns (provided that the checkpoint is on the same screen). This can be seen in this screenshot; I died where the missing platform is, all of the other platforms respawned except for that one since it was in the process of disappearing.

This is a deliberate behaviour by the level designer I think. You wont find any situations like that in the main game.


There is a bug with checkpoints that are set on collapsing platforms.

What happens: when you jump right after you spawned at the checkpoint, the platform will look like a belt platform instead of a collapsing platform. The behaviour is still the same though (platform still disappears). Screenshot:

I just wonder why this happens. I tested this in Vertiginous viridian. (from the start you have to enter the room at the right, then go down through the collapsing platforms).


The "glitch" and "change" room names in the Final Level are displaying above the map instead of the correct names. (i.e. it says "glitch" or "change")

EDIT: Also, in the Secret Lab, the trophies look glitched. (It's only a graphical glitch.)


Sometimes, when I'm testing a level in the Level Editor, if I use scriptboxes to switch music, the music doesn't turn on until I hit the M key twice. I have yet to figure out what exactly is wrong, but I'll try and see if I can purposely reproduce it.


I'm on Linux.  Loading game from quicksave isn't loading from my last quicksave.  I would say it was the last one before I beat the game, but I don't think it's that either since it's Maze With No Entrance.

Please help?




I have the same on Linux.
Maybe this helps:

If I start the game again I get this output:

The save directory exists at: /home/stormwind/.vvvvvv/
Quick Save Not Found
Teleporter Save Not Found


stormwind@hermelin ~/.vvvvvv $ ls
4kvvvv.vvvvvv           roadtrip.vvvvvv            varietyshow.vvvvvv
a_new_dimension.vvvvvv  the_dual_challenge.vvvvvv  vertiginousviridian.vvvvvv
linewrap.vvvvvv         unlock.vvv                 vvvvvvgoldenspiral.vvvvvv
pyramid.vvvvvv          variationventure.vvvvvv



I was playing the Super Gravitron in flip mode, when I noticed THIS:

The "Best Time" display is bugged.