
Started by Joshua, August 09, 2019, 08:31:49 PM

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I probably put far too much effort into this very short level. This is my first level where I did internal scripting!

Download it here:

I strongly recommend to not play any other levels with the custom graphics of this level.

2023 Edit: Changed the http to https links!


Looks awesome!

Quote from: Trdjn on August 09, 2019, 08:31:49 PM
I strongly recommend to not play any other levels with the custom graphics of this level.
Got this warning a little late.

Though, I don't particularly recommend not to do it, it's just an extra challenge!

moth ✨

i saw a small preview of this early, but seeing the full thing in action is actually really amazing to watch! love this

mayo pigeon

How exactly did you make a Mandelbrot zoom in VVVVVV?


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