Dynaboom4 Timer tool

Started by Dynaboom4, November 20, 2022, 12:38:10 PM

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Hello, I made a level specially to create timers. So here's a quick explanation to how it works :

Quick tutorial :
In this level you can create timers. Timers are a pack of internal scripts, that will after a set of seconds, execute a script. To set up, run the timer, and execute the script there will be
3 different scripts you will have to use

The first one is the setup. The setup sets the timer to a certain amount. This script
MUST BE executed before the script that runs the timer.

To setup the timer, just put a scriptbox called :

tsetup(the time you want in seconds)

on the map

so for example if you put this script :
after 20 seconds the script will be executed
Sadly for the moment only thoses timers are available : 
1F          5          30
0.5         10        60
2            15        120
(F stands for frame)

Next we have the timer itself. This script will run a timer IF the player is inside of the
scriptbox and IF you've setup the timer. Also note that while the player is in the scriptbox of
the timer, moving plateforms, ennemis and dissapear plateforms will not work.
And if you change the size of the map, any timer will not work further than (5,5).
By default there's a counter script in each room of the map that triggers the timer of the room it's in.

To place a timer, just put a scriptbox called :

tcounter(the room where the script is executed)

where you want the timer to be ran

so for example if you put this script :
after X seconds the script in the room 1.1 will be executed.

Finally we have the script that is run at the end of the timer. This script must be written in
internal script and will not work if it's not. This script doesn't have to be placed on your map to
function.The script execute by default a flash of 10 frames

To access to this script just search :

tscript(the room where the tcounter is executed)

for example if you want to change the script executed after X seconds in the room 3.5 you have to search this script :

So there is how to create your own timer ! I hope this explanation had helped, and if you have any
other question, dm me on discord Dynaboom4, or in the description of the level.
Note that this level tool is in beta, and will certainly get updated in the futur.

 :viridian: DOWLOAD :viridian:


I tested the level out and overall I like it a lot. :viridian:
This can be a good starting blueprint for creating a level that you know is going to utilize timers with do-loops :)

I know the level's in beta and that you're going to be updating it, I just want to let you know some bugs that you may or may not know about. The tsetup10 script uses the wrong flags, so trying to use this script to set the timer won't work. It would be nice if there was some ground to stand on for the other rooms, and also placing down some scripts for an example so people can see it in Ved would be nice! Additionally, people who are disabling screen effects (like me) actually won't be able to see the flash so including a playef(9) would be great!

If you're okay with it, I'd love to help you out on this. I think VVVVVV is lacking a lot of resources for people who wish to learn more about internal scripting and I think creating a level focused around that would be a huge help to newcomers wishing to create a level that utilizes more complicated scripting.


Fixed tsetup10, added playef(9) to every tscript and added some ground