VVVVVV MultiSave

Started by kylemsguy, August 25, 2012, 07:46:56 PM

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I found SSSSSS on this forum (http://distractionware.com/forum/index.php?topic=1066) yesterday, and I thought it was pretty cool. However, I did not like how it chose to save to C:\SSSSSS (archaic practice) and that it was windows-only, so I set out to create a cross-platform version that saves to a more convenient folder (maybe one within the VVVVVV save folder itself?). This is the result of about a days' work:


There's no GUI (yet), but I think that the text interface should be pretty intuitive. I have only tested it on windows so far, though it should work on linux/mac. If you guys encounter any problems please let me know.


This is neat! I'm working on an update for SSSSSS that will let you set the save path to what you want, so that should fix things. I'll also set the default save path to C:\Program Files\SSSSSS.
EDIT: Saves will be saved to %APPDATA%\SSSSSS, because Windows 7 doesn't let you write to Program Files.


Quote from: cmpgk1024 on September 05, 2012, 11:48:44 AM
This is neat! I'm working on an update for SSSSSS that will let you set the save path to what you want, so that should fix things. I'll also set the default save path to C:\Program Files\SSSSSS.
EDIT: Saves will be saved to %APPDATA%\SSSSSS, because Windows 7 doesn't let you write to Program Files.
Yes, which is the right thing to do.

Also how about making your code not depend on windows fully? :)

(That being said, feels a bit bad with two seperate developers reinventing the same thing. People should collaborate more!)


Making simple programs that move files is really easy if you have a Mac, you can just click 'record' in applescript and start moving files like you usually do, and it will turn those actions into code. Maybe I should make a Mac version like that, if there is no version that works here?