HIB3 VVVVVV doesn't start on Ubuntu 11.04 32-bit

Started by Ragnar Homsar, August 01, 2011, 06:04:21 PM

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Ragnar Homsar


I'm trying to run the Humble Indie Bundle version of VVVVVV on 32-bit Ubuntu 11.04, and after grabing copies of the missing libSDL_mixer and libSDL_image libraries (the default tar.gz didn't have them in the LIB32 folder and trying to start the game would throw up missing library errors), trying to run VVVVVV from the executable text file causes a terminal to flash for a second and then nothing. Running it from the terminal gives me this:
Levels will be saved to: /home/peter/.vvvvvv/
The save directory exists at: /home/peter/.vvvvvv/
888888    8888    88
888888    8888    88
888888            88
88888888        8888
8888  88888888  8888
8888  88888888  8888
    8888    8888   
  888888    888888 
  888888    888888 
  888888    888888 
Image not found: data/graphics/tiles.pngImage not found: data/graphics/tiles2.pngImage not found: data/graphics/tiles3.pngImage not found: data/graphics/entcolours.pngImage not found: data/graphics/sprites.pngImage not found: data/graphics/flipsprites.pngImage not found: data/graphics/font.pngImage not found: data/graphics/fontmask.pngImage not found: data/graphics/teleporter.pngImage not found: data/graphics/levelcomplete.pngSegmentation fault

I've checked data/graphics and all the PNGs it says are missing are there. Neither of the directories for saves or levels are created after the program quits. Running it via sudo does nothing. My account has root priveleges. Can anyone tell me what's going on?


Have you tried just running the executable binary?

This crash would happen when the data folder has been moved or the binaries have been run from a different directory.

Also the 32bit libs folder should have SDL image and mixer in?

Ragnar Homsar

Quote from: simoroth on August 01, 2011, 06:15:29 PM
Have you tried just running the executable binary?

This crash would happen when the data folder has been moved or the binaries have been run from a different directory.

Also the 32bit libs folder should have SDL image and mixer in?
...I can't believe I tried that when the library errors happened but I never tried it after I fixed that.

It works now. Thanks!



Quote from: simoroth on August 01, 2011, 06:15:29 PM
Have you tried just running the executable binary?

This crash would happen when the data folder has been moved or the binaries have been run from a different directory.

Also the 32bit libs folder should have SDL image and mixer in?

how do I do this?  :verdigris: