Help with Scripts and Ideas for the Next Version

Started by PJBottomz, August 02, 2011, 03:58:13 AM

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So, I'm new here, and I've been working on a 3 different levels in the Level Editor (I love VVVVVV and the level editor!)

Ship: Viridian is warped onto a ship and has to save get his crew safe. [NEARLY COMPLETE]
Jailhouse Rock: Viridian and his crew are trapped in a jail and Viridian has to break them all out. [NOT CLOSE TO BEING COMPLETE]
The Lab: Viridian finds himself lost in a mysterious tiny-halled lab with mysterious rooms. [JUST ABOUT DONE]

All three use scripts, and that's where I run into the problems. The basic scripts, like conversations with terminals, are my strong point, and in Jailhouse rock, I
managed to make a script where Viridian is talking with the guard and he uses a strange power to break the warp gates of his cell open. But, I do have a few problems.

I'm trying to make a script where there has to be at least 1 trinket to clear the gates that lead to Victoria's Cell, and this is the script I used:

iftrinkets (1, flash)
destroy (warptokens)

However, whether I have 1 trinket or none, it clears the gates anyway. Can I get help with that?

Now, for my ideas...

Human enemy:

A type of enemy could be humans. I don't know if this would be possible when (or if) you make that custom enemy thing, but I think it'd be cool.

Colored Text-Boxes:

This is as it says. Many people just use the regular grey textboxes for the crew, but Viridian gets a bright blue box. It would be cool if the crewmates get their own colored-text boxes, like in the regular game. If there's not a way to do this, there should be! It'd make awesome levels!

Distortion Background w/o Warp Effect & Grey Blocks:

Those distortion backgrounds are REALLY cool backgrounds, especially if your making some kinda of bizzare, messed up zone, but it would be sucky to constrict yourself to moving only up and down or left and right. There could be, like, a setting that can change the background despite the tileset. And, that grey wall color, if it's not avalible, it should be.

Play as the Crew:

Now, if it is possible to change the color of the main character already (because you can place Viridian as a lost crew member), then ignore this. But it would be so awesome to do this! Just imagine, a level where :victoria: must overcome her fear of a scary place with lots of scary enemies to save her captain and teammates... That is KILLER!

Teleporters & Teleporting in a Script:

It'd be sweet to add teleporters to the game (and it can be how you win the level), and if that's not possible, you can use a teleport feature in a script (if this is avalible, then no worries!)

End a Game via Terminal:

Say you have to navigate your way through a deep, dark tunnel to find a terminal that teleports you out, or you have to climb through a tall ship to deactivate the engines and make a daring escape into space. That would be killer! Is this already possible (levelend)?

Changing the Expression of the Crew:

So, whenever you get close to a crewmate (or even in the same room), they still have that sad look. I think it should be possible to change that.

That's all. If you made it to this sentence, thanks for listening to all my ideas! You are a pure genius! This is the best game ever made.


I just started the script (like 1 hour ago) but I think I see your problem...
iftrinkets(1, flash)

I don't think you need the spaces between the command and the brackets, and that might mess it up... also... I don't think you need the 'end' in that...


You mean, remove the space between the comma and "flash"?

I put end there to make sure that the script stops safely. In the past, I've had script malfunctions that caught me by surprise. It would shut the game down, and I would usually forget to save before I tested it, so I lost almost all of my work I added.  :'(

Anyway, thanks for the help! I'll test the script.

Also, do you know how to change the player's color, because I've seen screenshots of people doing that...


Quote from: PJBottomz on August 02, 2011, 04:42:30 AM
You mean, remove the space between the comma and "flash"?

I put end there to make sure that the script stops safely. In the past, I've had script malfunctions that caught me by surprise. It would shut the game down, and I would usually forget to save before I tested it, so I lost almost all of my work I added.  :'(

Anyway, thanks for the help! I'll test the script.

Also, do you know how to change the player's color, because I've seen screenshots of people doing that...

Well, removing the space there could help...

I have had worlds crash also... I didn't know you could stop that from happening

I think that if you click on the player (like you do with changing directions of conveyors) it changes the colour.


Okay, I'll try it.

Yes, it sucks. Unfortunately, end is NOT fail-safe. I once was trying to create a room that would make it hard for the player to get to the crewmate because it would keep flashing, and I forgot to save, and when I entered the room, game crash. :( Lost all of that work, and I needed a new idea...

I'll try it...

EDIT: No dice. It only changes the direction the player is facing.


I *think* the script crash bug is due to say or reply commands reading beyond the end of the script buffer. It happens when the last command in a say/reply command, and when that's the last script. (The command "end" doesn't actually do anything - the engine just skips commands it doesn't understand).

An easy way to work around this until it's fixed is to just make sure and add a blank line after every say/reply block!


It looks like you have to use this:

iftrinkets(1,MIND CRUSH)

and in a seperate script (in this case, MIND CRUSH):


I hope this helps.



That sounds like it'd work...


I tried that, too, but it didn't work either.

I think I'm just gonna remove the terminal and make it a script box where Viridian uses his power to break the gate open. XD Much easier and totally doable.



I did something like
Iftrinkets(1, SCRIPTNAME)
put SCRIPTNAME as the name of the next script

Sorry if some of the spelling is wrong.


Thanks for helping, but I just re-wrote it differently. Your help is still VERY appreciated.

I just really need help on changing the players colors.