level: Blight

Started by Damn It AL to Hell, August 09, 2011, 12:38:11 AM

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Damn It AL to Hell

A new level with no bugs or need of fixing, enjoy!

I fixed the level up a bit (the one on the bottom) with a few things Pj wanted me to fix.


Well that was short and sweet. X3


Don't say it doesn't need fixing. The first terminal in the first room is glitched.

Also, I hate the checkpoint placement. It makes me have to redo part of a challenge. And in "Houston, we have a problem" the first two circles were next to IMPOSSIBLE to get by. I recommend fixing all of this. :-X


I actually breezed through all the rooms... o.o
I didn't had any problem. Small challenges are to be expected on this game! XD


Rating #027
Enjoyment: 6.5/10
Aesthetics: 7/10
Novelty: 3/10
Difficulty: 5/10
Room Names: 8/10

Hrmm... three levels in one day; I think you need to stop making them so quickly.  This one is a little better than the last I played "Revenge" but it still needs work.  Comments:
- In the first room, you have a 3-tall passage the player is supposed to enter, above the spikes.  3-tall passages are good when there is a foothold below them, but you have no foothold making it somewhat hard to get into.  Try not to do this.
- In the first room, the terminals are glitched; it looks like you messed up the scripting.  Luckily the level doesn't crash.
- Some rooms seem identical.  "Houston, We Have a Problem" and that other room with the triangle enemies, and "Reciprocal" and the room with the hearts stand out as rather bland and the same.  Try to focus on quality rather than quantity of rooms.
- Checkpoint placement is rather odd, though it didn't bother me as much as PJBottomz.  Similarly, I didn't think the enemies in "Houston" were that difficult, but they were repetitive, which is something you should strive to avoid.
- I did like the room names a lot.  "One - Ton" was my favorite room; interesting name and tiny challenge.

With the next level you make maybe you should spend a little more time with it; this one wasn't bad though.

Status: 100%'ed!


You guys don't have to type my whole username! XD I prefer just being called PJ.

Anyway, I think it's bad when I have difficulty in a room while playing with Slowdown enabled.



I did a playthrough of this level. I thought I cancelled the upload, but I guess it uploaded anyway. So, that's what I thought of it.

On a completely unrelated note, the code for the video in the url says, "I Move DMBW Ties." :D


Quote from: PJBottomz on August 09, 2011, 03:23:20 AM

I did a playthrough of this level. I thought I cancelled the upload, but I guess it uploaded anyway. So, that's what I thought of it.

On a completely unrelated note, the code for the video in the url says, "I Move DMBW Ties." :D
Dude wtf is all that junk at the beginning of your link? :o Just cut it off before "http"!

Your video amused me.  You got stuck way more than I did, and your screaming cracked me up.  Please do a video playthrough of my level when I'm finished! haha.


Just don't ask. Technical issue. ::)

Anyway, I would love to do a walkthrough of your level! Whenever it's released, I'll make sure to get to it.

Damn It AL to Hell

Heheh, I saw your video PJ, I agree with the repetitiveness and checkpoint placement, but I'm surprised you even took the time to record that. In "Houston" you need timing, and believe me Shockwaver is not that hard... unless in flip mode.