"Spiky Demise" by Taco13

Started by Taco13, August 15, 2011, 08:02:30 PM

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This is my first map. I feel like it's a pretty good challenge. Any feedback is welcome :viridian:

EDIT: All "backtrack" warps now take you to a hint room. I also found an unnamed room, which has now been named. Also, I changed
the name of the file itself to "Spiky_Demise_v1.1" instead of "Adventure". I haven't changed anything difficultywise though, as I've only
gotten two opinions  :victoria:


Well polished level!

All the warps were confusing, and the impossibility to go through them all was kind of annoying, considering I could have missed something.

In "Sets of Spikes", the spikes were too close to the gravity lines, making the jumps harder than they needed to be.

I liked the "Twisted Hallway" level, though I often suicided just to reach a checkpoint and it worked fine.

The jump in "Loop-de-Loop" was almost unfairly difficult.

"This will only hurt for an hour" was a very pixel-perfect jump. Difficult. I liked the terminal humor stuck in there ;)

"The Blue Room" was difficult to find... That should have been a trinket room, because it's pretty well hidden.

I found the last crewmate second, again because of the many rooms, warps, and backtracking required.

I backtracked so long that I finally gave up on finding the last crewmate.


This is a difficult level. I got the start of This will only hurt for an hour, went left, and accidentally ended up getting teleported right the way back. I'm wondering if a lot of these crewmates would have been better off as trinkets leaving them as optional.  I tried for about 15 minutes in "It's As Scary As It Looks" before giving up in there.  And in that time I only got to the enemies on the left side of the screen 3 times!  Never worked out the timing to avoid all three though.


I have to admit, I did make it almost unfairly difficult at some points. I probably should have switched out most of the crew members for trinkets. But I'll definitely take these things into account and maybe update it a bit. Thanks for all the feedback!


I'm having a weird issue with this.  The black lines on top and bottom when a cutscene usually happens are present in this level at the very beginning and won't go away, meaning I can't see the level names nor the top/bottom layers of each room.  Needless to say, it makes this unplayable. :o


I'm sorry, I honestly don't know! I'm not having this problem  :victoria: