The Lost Place (Beta) - A PJBottomz Level

Started by PJBottomz, August 19, 2011, 07:02:51 PM

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This is a map I've been working on for at least 2 weeks now. Currently, there's little scripting, so some it might seem easy. The reason that there's little scripting is because I'm waiting until the next patch for color text boxes, better destroy commands, and more, er, stuff. So, for now, it's just maps (although, in some places, there's scripts that are required to help you move along.)

Please submit feedback if you play it! I need to make this good.


"I was thinking we could put linker screens *between* the linker screens..."


I love linker rooms and corridors for aesthetic effect, but I think you may have overdone it just a tad. The other rooms were looking good, though.



Yes, I did overdo it. I had to, because I told myself, "Not a room will go to waste." Besides, I'm planning on filling most of the empty rooms with scripts and stuff. But thank you for your positive feedback!