VVVVVV - Additional Trophies!

Started by ThePaSch, August 21, 2011, 09:22:16 AM

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Well, they're not in the game, but you might as well look at the following additional trophies and see if you have earned them yet, just for fun!

"Standard" trophies
You'll Get There - Complete Space Station I with a B-rank.
Getting The Hang Of It - Complete Space Station I with an A-rank.
Steep Learning Curve - Complete Space Station I with a S-rank
Houston, Not A Problem - Complete Space Station I with a V-rank.

Experimenting - Complete The Laboratory with a B-rank.
Junior Scientist - Complete The Laboratory with an A-rank.
No Casualties - Complete The Laboratory with a S-rank.
Mad Scientist - Complete The Laboratory with a V-rank.

Trouble Keeping Up - Complete The Tower with a B-rank.
Towar - Complete The Tower with an A-rank.
Tower To Success - Complete The Tower with a S-rank.
Vinning Ve Tover - Complete The Tower with a V-rank.

The TRUTH LIES Within - Complete Space Station II with a B-rank.
II Fast - Complete Space Station II with an A-rank.
Damn That Trinket - Complete Space Station II with a B-rank.
Doing Things The Right Way - Complete Space Station II with a V-rank.

Inception - Complete The Warp Zone with a B-rank.
Oh, I See - Complete The Warp Zone with an A-rank.
Warping To Win - Complete The Warp Zone with a S-rank.
Varp Zone - Complete the Warp Zone with a V-rank.

Not Much Of An Achievement - Complete The Final Level with an A-rank.
Not Bad - Complete The Final Level with a S-rank.
Kudos To You - Complete The Final Level with a V-rank.

VVVVVV - Complete all levels with a V-rank.

Fun Trophies
What The Hell, Player? - In No Death Mode, die at Conundrum.
Dang It - Complete the game in normal mode without dying once.
Master Of Life, Universe And Everything - Complete the game in No Death Mode, having collected all trinkets.
RAAAAGEEE - In No Death Mode, die at W.
VVVVVVertigo - Complete the game while only flipping to move forward (i.e. no walking).
So What's All The Fuss About It? - Get the Veni, Vidi, Vici trinket, dying less than 10 times.
I Feel Messed With - Complete the Veni, Vidi, Vici course and land on the left side of the wall.
Nuf Si Siht - Go through Space Station I starting from the final teleporter, going to the first room (sadly, this isn't possible for the other levels).
Oooh, What's In Here? - Find a part of the Secret Lab without having collected all trinkets.
Nope, Not Seeing Anything - Complete the game without finding any unnecessary teleporters (i.e. teleporters you HAVE to pass in order to complete the game).
Cartographer - Reveal the complete map in one playthrough.
Living The Risk - Complete The Tower without dying while staying as close as possible to the bottom spikes.
Don't Look Back - Complete the game without walking backwards once (unless necessary).
Dr. I Don't Need No Stinking Checkpoints - Complete The Laboratory without touching any checkpoints, except in the rooms Rascasse, They Call Him Flipper, Three's a Crowd, Hitting The Apex, Square Root, The Bernoulli Principle.
Space Station None - Complete Space Station I without touching any checkpoints, except in the rooms Atmospheric Filtering Unit and Driller.
Rage10 - In No Death Mode, complete the Gravitron only to die in Dimension VVVVVV by hitting a spike.
The Master Of The Universe's Right Hand - Beat the Gravitron three times consecutively without dying.
It Wasn't That Hard - Complete the game with your hardest room bearing less than 15 deaths.
The Full Run - Complete the game in Flip-No-Death-Mode while collecting all trinkets.

So, which of these have you got?
Or maybe you have another idea? Feel free to post it.  :viridian:


Wow! Awesome! i'm gonna do all of those FOR THA LULZ!!  :viridian: :viridian:


Space Station 1.5 - Complete Space Station 2 up to Exhaust Chute, then go down to Sorrow (or directly up to Driller) and continue to A Wrinkle in Time.


QuoteVVVVVVertigo - Complete the game while only flipping to move forward (i.e. no walking).

A bit off topic, but it would be awesome if in the editor we could put down 'sticky' floors that you can't walk on. You could do a whole area based on that one mechanic...


I'm going to create a topic for suggesting stuff like that. No guarantees that any of it will end up in the game, though.