Everlasting: The open source SINGLE VVVVVV level

Started by FlamingBanana, August 25, 2011, 09:13:31 PM

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Well, Franz, I wouldn't mind if you took over my posistion for Everlasting. Infinity has me tied up A LOT. X_X Besides, it might be nice for originality between the two. I think you've enough scripting experience and fixing practice to make it just as good.


I'd be happy to script Everlasting if FlamingBanana thinks it's okay!


I meant that YOU be the SIC for Everlasting. Like I said, with Infinity, my own levels, and life, I won't be able to do anything for Everlasting for quite a while, and I'd hate it if people downloaded a buggy level that I'm supposed to be fixing. ::)


Yes I understood the first time ;) and I'm honoured to be SIC :)


Oh, and, uh, there are lots of duties with being the SIC.

- Repair Maps
- Fix Scripts
- Make Scripts
- Remove/Add anything (un)nescessary
- Try not to break levels
- Unclog toliets
- Possible remove levels

That kinda stuff.


I don't mind, should I also fix the tiling errors (if fixing the doesn't break the level)?  :vermillion:


Yep, that's a duty.

Also, don't try to clean the toliet if Vermillion just used it. You might pass out.



Thanks for the tip, I already expected something like that from :vermillion:...


You're welcome.

Also, for some reason, :verdigris: refuses to eat green veggies, so don't give him any when you give them their meals.


Thanks for the tips, I'm gonna sleep now so I will have enough energy tomorrow to take care of all the six V's



Also, dont mention to  :vitellary: about to whether E=MC2 is true, unless you want to be put to sleep. Oh, and I'm updating so that Franz24 is SIC. (Im totally OK with that, if you're wondering)