Started by FlamingBanana, August 28, 2011, 10:54:00 PM

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A lot of things in the main game were hardcoded in, so I hope it's possible....


So, do either of you PJ or Sendy want a beta of my level? I'll PM you both with a copy.
PJ, feel free to OCD my level, but send me a copy when you're done. Its still in beta, so i'd like to have some input.


Okay, I'll do that. Just let me chill. Just spent three hours writing a one-page story. X_X I am beat...


 :o Couldn't even get past the first screen.

I'm going to use invincibility just for the sake of completing.

EDIT: ...

Terminal in "Split Ends" does nothing...

Tiny invisible block causes collision error in "One foot to the flip"

Collision Error at the entrance of "Upwards, but not yet" from "Split Ends"

Left "Easier in Concept" using the upper exit and ended up next to the trinket in Tinker. O-O Not sure how, either...

Collison error at the entrance to "split ends" from "central nerve"

Cutscene bars in the script in "Thinking Ahead"

That's not even half of it! Most of this looked to be impossible, and the mapping errors KILLED ME. This needs serious fixing that even I can't offer. You need to have, like, Terry fix this.


There's some interesting ideas, but this needs a LOT of work, even on existing screens, most of which PJ has pointed out. Incidentally, I headed right, the first nontrivial room was very very difficult, and eventually I found my way in a 4-way wrapping room without a warp token. The interesting thing about such a situation is that there's NO WAY OUT  :victoria:


Ok, I'll take all the errors you sent me backwards, PJ.

CUTSCENEBARS: This is a flag fail. Not sure how to fix it.
Split Ends: Franz24 has pointed this out to me, and i fixed it.
Tinker: No, I dont know how it does that either
Split Ends-Upwards, but not yet: Havent noticed, will fix.
One foot to the flip: Didn't notice, will fix.
Split ends terminal (wow, that level has some problems): Should work, but it wont let you past the gravity line, because THATS HOW I DESIGNED IT. And it works totally fine for me.

I am totally sure I did not do that. What was the name of the room? I'm going to go over all the 4 wrapping rooms.
Twice is the charm- Has 2 warp tokens.
Dont make this harder...-Has a warp token
Tinker- Has a warp token.

Thats it.


 Sorry to double post, but

v0.2 OPEN BETA IS HEREEEEEEEE  :viridian: :viridian: :viridian:


Did someone say beta?  :vermillion:

I'm using the 2.0 client, not sure if any of the bugs don't show up in the beta
patch. Also I didn't check for previous reports, so some (lots?) of these bugs have probably already been mentioned.  :verdigris:

About Thursday:
Jumping onto the bottom of the block on the lower right intersects you with the
floor (can cause death by spikes)

Central Nerve: left and right passages floors don't line up, can intersect with
wall. Also, coming up from the below room on the right or middle,
it's possible to get beneath the floor and being unseen until you move out from
under it.

Split ends: momentary intersection with floor when jumping down from above room
in the middle or left passage.

S.P.S Grandeur: Typo - "Breking through the barriers of space and time", plus
standing on the title text in that one spot is a little odd.

He doesnt think ahead: typo - missing an apostraphe. Also it's possible to get
stuck on the tiny block (possibly a game engine bug).
To reproduce bug without getting stuck: stand on floor beneath far right block,
with the block centered above the middle of your head, flip, observe.

Only 8 to go: see previous bug about single tile blocks and getting stuck.

Green feels blue: small bug - inching off cliff above leads to dying from spikes
while embedded in the floor. Looks bad.

Gonna break your heart someday: going up to the next room on the very left
side of the passage leads to collision errors.

20/20: from the green floor, you can walk left to the next room and jump to
intersect with the red wall or even get on top of it

Would be nice to have a checkpoint betweeen 4 square and do the wave, or maybe
I just stink at getting past waves in gravity tunnels.

Engine bug: checkpoints can be (very briefly) activated after death (much like gravity line flips,
script based "shocks" from that one user level, and platform breaking), to see this try and get to the checkpoint in precision scissors and die horribly.

Additionally Precision Sissors trinket is pretty hard (I had to give up), not
gonna say it's too hard. but consider adding a checkpoint to the uper right nook
or something depending on desired difficulty and feedback.

Only 8 to go: enter from green feels blue and there's small collision error.
Exit into green feels blue on ceiling and get surprised spikes.

Galaga: how the hell do you get the trinket?

Three cheers for humanity: small collision error when entering from ceiling of

PHEW! And that's enough for now, might explore more of the level later.


Its the beta version of the actual level, not of the client...   :verdigris:

About Thursday: Fixing...
Central nerve: Fixing...
Split ends: Fixing...
S.P.S Grandeur: Fixing...
He doesn't think ahead: I should probably get rid of the single blocks all together...Fixing...
Only 8 to go: Fixing...
Green feels blue: Will try to reproduce
Gonna break your heart someday: Will try to reproduce
20/20: Fixing...
4square-do the wave: Its supposed to be a hard part, but i should probably make 4square easier.
Engine bug: I dont remember having a room by this name.
Precision scissors: Well, the trinket is supposed to be hard.
Only 8 to go: Will put more spikes, which always fixes the problem.
Galaga: You arent supposed to yet. Eventually you'll warp in there.
Three cheers for humanity: Fixing...

TOLD you it was beta.


oh I meant engine bug like a (probable) bug in the game engine as opposed to something that seemed like your fault :0


Oh. :)

Well I'll have 0.2.1 out with all those fixed pretty soon.


For some reason, whenever I look at the title, I think of virtual bananas... ???


OK, 0.2.1 is out. Changelog-

-Added onto the second lab level
-Added a lot more room names
-Added some outside levels
-Fixed a bunch of dinoquarks (haha, get it? probably not...)

Sorry for the long silence, been playing fantasy football.  :vermillion: Is wanting feedback on the new additions!

(and yes, Lightning strikes sequence is meant to be impossible. Well, not meant to, but i'm still fixing it up.)

Damn It AL to Hell

Oh hell yeah I'm doing this one! I enjoyed the other one, this one ought to be good!

Dispensers Heal

Just compress it into a .zip folder next time.