Think it's silent enough?

Started by PJBottomz, September 04, 2011, 11:30:03 AM

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Damn It AL to Hell

Yeah, I wasn't on the forum for a bit, I'm working on a level and a chapter for super meat boy so I'v been pretty busy.
I've seen the leak, that way I became interested in VVVVVV

Dispensers Heal

I'm working on three levels.

The first is about a computer's POV as Viridian finds his way to rescuing his crewmates in a facility.

The second is a variant on the Warp Zone level.

The third is a 20X20, which proves this:

:vermillion::shiny:                         :viridian:GIMME MY NOM NOM!                         :violet:NOT AGAIN!


:vermillion::shiny:HEHEH!                         :viridian:GIMME MY NOM NOM!                         :violet:NOT AGAIN!                ???How am I on this?                                                 :vitellary:WAIT FOR ME!                   :victoria:DON'T HURT YOURSELF, VITELLARY!                  :verdigris:sigh...