Viridian is a Girl

Started by PJBottomz, September 29, 2011, 12:09:27 AM

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This was a link on an old topic to a blogspot of a girl who makes dolls of characters from popular games and TV shows. I found this Viridian doll (which is awesome), but read the text next to it:

... That just completely changes the entire spectrum of VVVVVV (no, I'm not sexist). But hey, that means that there aren't 4 boys and 2 girls on the DDS Souleye anymore!

:viridian:Does intergalactic space travel make my butt look big?


 No. No. NOOOOOOOOOOO. :darthvader:


Quote from: robloxfan1999 on September 29, 2011, 12:32:07 AM
No. No. NOOOOOOOOOOO. :darthvader:

It's pretty surprising. But, it makes the game a LOT more interesting than it was.

Dispensers Heal

This isn't true, actually.

Notice how Viridian is posed as "male" in the game itself. (Well, the user levels.)

Pairing time:

:violet: goes with  :verdigris:

:victoria: goes with  :viridian:

:vermillion: and  :vitellary: just stay single.


Quote from: Dispensers Heal on September 29, 2011, 12:42:48 AM
This isn't true, actually.

Notice how Viridian is posed as "male" in the game itself. (Well, the user levels.)

Pairing time:

:violet: goes with  :verdigris:

:victoria: goes with  :viridian:

:vermillion: and  :vitellary: just stay single.

Actually, Terry said that he PURPOSELY didn't tell us Viridian's gender. It was never hinted in the game. I think there was a whole topic on this subject.

Dispensers Heal

Well, the user levels pose him as male.

Also, do they actually wear clothes? PPPPPPowerup shows them as spacesuit-wearing people, while there are many who believe they're actually running around naked. (That would mean spikes hurt EVEN MORE.)


That's why VVVVVV is so great - you can speculate ANYTHING about it. You don't know anything about the characters ACTUAL looks - they might not even be human.

Dispensers Heal

That's what I theorize.

They came from another dimension, where they don't wear clothes. Also, everyone there can invert their own gravity at will.

After the events of the game, they probably colonized a newly-stabled Dimension VVVVVV, which never would collapse in the first place. Their ship was also upgraded to have actual amenities (like a Cooking Terminal and beds)


I don't think Viridian is necessarily a boy or necessarily a girl.

You can decide for yourselves, and that's what the blog poster apparently did, seeing as she is female.

There is no standardized gender for Viridian, so every player, male or female, can assume his or her role.


But Terry HIMSELF said that Viridian is a girl. Did you see the picture?


Whoops. Guess he did.

Well, might have been a slip, but even if Viridian is a girl, I don't really care. :)
Why would that change the entire spectrum of VVVVVV, though?


Well, first, it makes the DDS Souleye crew even - 3 girls and 3 boys.

Second, it makes the game better because most heroes are not girls. Terry has broken the fourth wall by making Viridian a girl. (Not really, but to me it seems like it...)

Dispensers Heal

I doubt he said that.

He's just trolling us.



I found this in a REALLY OLD POST, so I doubt he's trolling...
