Bug Reports Go Here

Started by DeceasedCrab, January 09, 2010, 10:47:29 PM

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Yep, don't worry :)

There's no save point in Panic Room, so it's not an issue there. *should* be easy enough to fix that particular bug anyway.

I'm way overdue with this patch - hopefully I can get it finished tomorrow. :victoria:


Take your time Terry.  :viridian:
The game is amazing already.  Just minor things really.
You did really well.
I'm still playing it almost every other day.
I just got the trophy for less than 50 deaths.

alastair jack

The mouse cursor doesn't go invisible when you're in full-screen, probably the most annoying bug for me.  :victoria:


True, it is a slight incovenience, but I'm not sure if it can be considered a bug or not...  :verdigris:

alastair jack

Well a bug is something that shouldn't happen, right?


Yes, but I think it may have just been forgotten as opposed to it shouldn't be happening.
Either way I'm all up for it being fixed.


Well, I added it to the list, it shouldn't be a big deal. :)


Here also a bug with the shiny trinkets...

I'll tell you step by step what happened
1) Vitellary gave me one and told me that they give of weird energy and every trinket appeared on the map.
2) I explored a bit, got some trinkets, quicksaved the game and exit.
3) I started the game again and loaded it, but accidentally loaded a teleport save (by the way, you should add the option 'load newest save file')
4) I exit the teleport save file and loaded my quicksave, discovering that the shiny trinkets disappeared from the map...
5) After finishing some levels, Victoria gave me a shiny trinket and told me the same thing Vitellary already told me, and the trinkets appeared on the map again.
6) After some hard work I got 19 trinkets, but suddenly there were 2 (!) trinkets on the map. I went to one of them, and discovered it was the second trinket in the game (in the first part)
7) I got the trinket (which I already got earlier, at the beginning of the game) and Victoria told me that I had 20 trinkets (I still had only 19 of them)
8) I got into the 'place where you get when you have every trinket' with only 19 trinkets, and I also have the trophy for finishing the game. Still don't have the real 20th one...

some screens:
http://i47.tinypic.com/33d9iyw.jpg (spoiler, shows the whole map+a trinket location)
http://i50.tinypic.com/mmzc74.jpg (shows that I have only 19 trinkets, while victoria tells me I've got them all)
http://i47.tinypic.com/eu4gwj.jpg  (shows that the stats tell me that I have 20 trinkets)
All the screens were taken right after each other, so I didn't do anything special between taking the screens.

I hope you can fix this ^^


Not sure if this has been mentioned, I only skimmed through this thread.

I quicksaved in The Tower, and when i went back to it the screen starts at the very bottom. I then die and it scrolls all the way back up to where I am.

just found another bug too.

When I'm in the gravitron (normal, not super) I went to the menu and it asks if i want to return to the secret lab. Upon selecting return, I end up in outerspace with the secret lab music.


I'm still working on the patch - fixed all these issues so far:

    * Warping back to ship from tower breaks the game.
   * Prize for the reckless platform glitch.
   * Trying to quit during the Gravitron bug.
   * Final level room names don't reset as they should.
   * Room death counts should be reset on game start.
   * Add a quick restart button to the time trials. (this took a lot of code reshuffling, but is totally worth it)
   * "If wonder what we'll find?"    
   * Make Viridian sad if he's missed the par time on a time trial.



Whoa, he just landed there and stayed blue till the screen scrolled up and got him!
At least that's what it looked like to me.


when i saved the first guy (it was the yellow one) and we arrived to the ship's teleporter, i went back into it but nothing happened... i was like teleporting myself forever


Quote from: SoulEye on January 31, 2010, 06:27:21 AM
Bug or not, well... Exactly what happened at 5:13 in this video? :)


I also encountered that bug myself, it's really annoying ^^


another bug... sometimes moving platforms can get through your body collistionin by the torso