Analog pad or D-pad?

Started by seaking177, January 05, 2012, 05:05:50 PM

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seeing as the 3DS has a D-pad and an analog pad, thought i should make this.

what do you prefer using on VVVVVV?

analog so it feels smoother, or D-pad so you can get precision?

i myself use the D-pad for VVVVVV, analog isn't as precise for me  :victoria:


D-Pad all the way. I'd go as far as to say it's unarguably better. Analog sticks/pads/nubs/triggers are for games that take analog input. VVVVVV does not, so the speed and precision of the D-Pad is superior. Use the right tool for the job.

Once, I witnessed someone playing Mega Man for the first time on the Playstation 2. He seemed to be competent at games, but he was repeatedly failing simple platforming tasks. Mega Man stops and starts instantaneously, you see, so basic platforming is easier than in VVVVVV or, say, Mario. Nonetheless, he was totally blowing it, and I couldn't figure out why.

Of course, I finally noticed he was using the analog stick. I told him to switch to the D-Pad, and he immediately and dramatically improved.


I actually vastly prefered playing with the analogue pad, but that's partially just because I don't really like the 3DS D-Pad.


Fair enough; it's all the way off in the corner, and it's not that big or comfortable. And I guess an analog pad would be more comfortable for 2D than an analog stick would.

There's another issue with the d-pad in this game, as well: pressing up or down causes you to flip, something that killed me multiple times. It's not an issue on a keyboard, but it is an issue with a d-pad.

I use a Wii Classic Controller Pro for 2D games on my PC. It is amazingly good for any game that doesn't require an analog input or other special controller. I use a separate mapping for VVVVVV that specifically disables up and down, solving the issue. There's no way to do that in the 3DS version, though.



Ahh! I didn't know about that d-pad thing! That makes the d-pad totally unusable on the 3DS! :'(

I'm pretty sure I woulda noticed something like that, but then again I did pretty much use the analogue stick all the time, so I guess it's possible neither me nor anyone at Nicalis realised it...


To be fair, I caught myself using the analog pad numerous times, and as you can tell I have strong feelings on the issue. It's just where the thumb naturally rests when you hold the system. And it's not like it killed me that much.



Quote from: Martze on January 06, 2012, 12:45:12 AM
There's another issue with the d-pad in this game, as well: pressing up or down causes you to flip, something that killed me multiple times. It's not an issue on a keyboard, but it is an issue with a d-pad.
that is kinda strange, i just tried up and down on the D-pad (and analog one) and nothing happened.
could you by chance make a video  :viridian:?

also, the slide pad extension / circle pad pro,would that be added later for people that hate it on the left side? that thing.



I just assumed it was the case and looked for an option and couldn't find it. I then proceeded to play VERY CAREFULLY to avoid accidentally pressing up or down. WHOOPS


Quote from: Martze on January 06, 2012, 02:32:06 AM

i dont see how this game can be played with the analog pad/etc,  because of the Gravitron/super Gravitron rooms. i have tried it with the analog one, and die so fast :(. but for the main game, its not too bad.


I use D pad, When trying to get not many deaths, Doing the D-pad is required, or else I keep falling into spikes. :violet:


d-pad all the way. I always use the d-pad over analog sticks/circle pad when it's more of a 2d game like this most of the time.