VVVVVV 3DS to launch next week

Started by Officer Captain, December 24, 2011, 08:12:43 PM

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Officer Captain

For 160% of its Steam price.

Maybe it has some cool stuff in it? Maybe stereoscopic 3D is a hassle to develop? Maybe it's Nicalis always looking for ways to make money?

Maybe it's because VVVVVV's original asking price was 15$?


Damn It AL to Hell

Excellent! That's the first on my list!


Too bad I don't have 3DS. I'd gladly buy that.


i have to say, the 3DS version is very nice. i like it alot.

but the 3D...is very very bad. with having the 3D turned on, there is alot of ghosting :(.

but the few glitches i have found so far, are pretty cool.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wS8-VxexQYM (the Gravitron fling (game breaking))
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hk-1lfXctE (restarts you with no one saved and with no tokens(also game breaking as far as i know))

Edit: also, how does one import user levels? it comes with 18 levels already but i wanna play other levels people have made :(.  will ask that in the tech support forum.

so sweet  :-*.


I'm still holding out till the first Pokémon game comes out, but I'm getting this as soon as I get one :D

I love this game so much I'd buy it twice :P


I bought it as soon as it came out and loved it. I loved it so much I bought the mac version even. The interface is very nice indeed, and the 3D is very cool (Except for the ghosting in certain rooms when you turn the 3D all the way up.) Only thing wrong with it is that flip mode is broken due to some glitch, but It probably will be fixed very soon. :viridian:


in the e-shop, it has user ratings of the game.

Quote from:  e-Shop Ratings
total = 656
overall = 5 star game
5 star = 557
4 star = 71
3 star = 18
2 star = 3
1 star = 7 (LOLWUT)

what type of person is it suited for?
15% = Everyone
85% = Gamers

What type of game is it?
10% = Casual Play
90% = Intense Play

as of 11:15 PM (-7 GMT)

pretty damn cool i think. kinda have to laugh at those 7 people that rated it 1 star though.
nice work Terry.


Quote from: Software Chart
all user ratings , Nintendo 3DS (download)
2. Pushmo/Pullblox
3. Kid Icarus: Uprising video preview
its the best overall rated game (to download) in the e-shop. even better.


Wow, that's pretty good! :viridian: Thanks for posting that.


when it breaks 1000 reviews on the e-shop, instead of writing it all out im gonna take a picture of it :viridian:!


(i know, double post  :victoria: but it did break 1k reviews  :viridian:!)

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2901143/DSC02880.JPG so nice of nintendo to make the Top Rated selection feature viridian  :viridian:
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2901143/DSC02881.JPG 1009 people have bought and rated the game, still pretty good!



your welcome  :viridian:! i am pretty sure it will get much more then 1k in its lifetime on the 3DS.


12 days later, and its at 1400 reviews  :viridian:!


i can always stop posting these if you want.

and also, seeing as its not in the EU yet, these are only america sells, i wonder how much higher it will be when its in the EU.


Hello seaking! lol

Keep in mind ratings are per region/country. So they are not global.

Btw: Terry, awesome game btw! Any word from Nicalis on when "Flip mode" might be fixed?