Blind Mode

Started by someonethatfailed, January 02, 2012, 04:00:26 AM

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When you go on flip mode on the 3d version it makes you blind. I want to see how far people can get. My best:traffic jam


does it count if i have Invincibility on? cause if it doesn't, screw that :(.


Sure. Its hard enough bilnd invinceble.


So... the music doesn't loop properly, 3D doesn't work in flip mode, and the new remix of Predestined Fate doesn't play normally?

Sounds like par for the course for Nicalis.  :)


i don't know what yoy mean about the music not looping, it loops fine for me. but yes, flip mode doesn't work at all, only a black screen.  the remixed song works normally in the normal game, in time trials the remix doesn't start properly.


Quote from: Martze on January 03, 2012, 08:52:15 PM
So... the music doesn't loop properly

Wait, what? That's the first I've heard of that one!


Okay, now someone has to beat No Death Mode with the black screen.  :vermillion:


Paced Energy looped weird for me when I was testing my own level. I'll check it again and see if I can reproduce it.


Quote from: Martze on January 03, 2012, 11:27:07 PM
Paced Energy looped weird for me when I was testing my own level. I'll check it again and see if I can reproduce it.
if you tell me where it looped oddly for you i can try and make it loop oddly in that room, and make will make sure it can be redone  :viridian:!


yep, user made levels have odd music looping in it!
i have only tested it on 333333 (easy mode) but i am pretty sure it applies to ALL user made levels.
also, Martze didn't tell me where it was or how he got the music looping strangely, i think this is what he had happen to him :(


Yeah, I can reproduce it in my own stage and in Souleye's New Dimension. It appears to work anywhere Paced Energy is played.

It happens at about 2 min 30 sec, a few seconds after the voice says "Gotcha." It might be subtle if you're not familiar with the song or not musically inclined, but it stuck out like a sore thumb to me.

EDIT: I watched your video; your issue appears to be an entirely different matter.


ah well...atleast i found another glitch :P

i think i will try doing your glitch and try to record it as well.

and that song, "Paced Energy" , what does it sound like...? im bad at song names  :victoria:


Maybe we should add Blind mode as proper game mode in 2.1?


Paced Energy is this one:

Also, if you turn on flip mode, start a new game, and quit without saving, the options menu to toggle flip mode goes away. You have to start the game, save, and quit to turn it off. I suspect many unsuspecting players will not figure this out.

LOL, Nicalis


To be fair to Nicalis, I played through the entire game in flip mode before we submitted it to Nintendo, and everything worked fine. So everyone involved here is pretty confused about how this even happened.


Oh, all right. I'll let off them a bit for now.