"Fake" spikes

Started by FIQ, February 13, 2012, 07:28:51 PM

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I was experimenting with Direct Mode and mapping and found out that there was different kinds of spikes. I'm currently using the Space Station tileset.
I found out that there's 6 kinds of spikes actually working (6-9, 49, 50). I also found out some spikes in the 11xx range - that didn't actually work! They're used for different kinds of backgrounds. Which led me to think about Exhaust Chute, as there's 8 different kinds of spikes there, two for up/down w/o background, two for full background - but ALSO there's spikes for the "background corner"! That I didn't manage to get working when I played around with the level editor. I fired up my save file with invincibility turned on and went to Exhaust Chute. And guess what - the spikes there indeed doesn't work (As i went through them - with invincibility, all normal spikes are solid).

The spikes I'm talking about in Exhaust Chute is:


       ^^^^^                          ^^^^^

Is this going to be fixed? :p



Another level quirk (only possible to get affected by using invincibility - trying to go that way w/o invincibility will not take you the entire way - you're 1 pixel too far away), but still pretty major in terms of level design): Your Bitter Tears... Delicious has a 2 "pixels" wide wall at the right wall in the straight way down to (or away from) Doing Things The Hard Way, while Getting Here is Half the Fun has 3. I.e:

#>         <###
#>         <###       Getting Here is Half the Fun
#>         <###
#>         <##
#>         <##         Your Bitter Tears... Delicious
#>         <##

(while --- is the screen border between rooms)