Meaning of VVVVVV

Started by Zerdamia, May 02, 2012, 07:47:16 PM

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What do you think is the meaning of VVVVVV? Not the well-known meanings like the first letters of  :viridian: :victoria: :vermillion: :vitellary: :verdigris: and :violet: or the spikes. The game seems to have many more meanings than that.

* If VVVVVV is a roman number (555555) and if we multiple all 5 with each other (5x5x5x5x5x5=15625), then we get the same amount of all rooms on the map (400) + spikes in normal mode (7612) and flip mode (7612) + 1 together (400+7612+7612+1=15625). XD (This can´t be random)

Amount of spikes and amount of rooms


It's about time someone noticed! :viridian:


The Brass

Quote from: FIQ on May 03, 2012, 12:17:24 AM
..was this intended? :o

Like hell it was, considering Terry's previous denial of the Anomaly-Iji connection and Daniel Remar repeatedly denying that anything in his games referred anything last week.


I thought it is VVVVVV becauce there is 6 characters in the game and all of the names starts with "V".


There are more meanings to the name. Another one is, if you max out the Time Trial, then you have 6 Trophies for the V Rank. This means VVVVVV and it looks like, this was intended.  ;)

Or Viridian vanished via Veni Vedi Vici (short VVVVVV). Veni Vidi Vici is this XD


Quote from: Zerdamia on May 02, 2012, 07:47:16 PM
If VVVVVV is a roman number (555555) and if we multiple all 5 with each other (5x5x5x5x5x5=15625), then we get the same amount of all rooms on the map (400) + spikes in normal mode (7612) and flip mode (7612) + 1 together (400+7612+7612+1=15625).

Whaat, how long did you spend working that out... but congratulations, I may now have to create the sequel, VVVVVIV.


I don´t count the spikes myself. :D It took me 15 minutes to check the possibilities of VVVVVV. I found this out randomly while i play a bit with V as a 5 and after i read the wiki about this damn awesome game. VVVVVV looks like a shortcut for something and just the first letter of the 6 actors seems to simple for that game. So i searched for another meaning of VVVVVV.

Does anyone has more ideas? I don´t think, that this is all. ^^


Quote from: Zerdamia on May 02, 2012, 07:47:16 PM
* If VVVVVV is a roman number (555555) and if we multiple all 5 with each other (5x5x5x5x5x5=15625), then we get the same amount of all rooms on the map (400) + spikes in normal mode (7612) and flip mode (7612) + 1 together (400+7612+7612+1=15625). XD (This can´t be random)

I noticed a similar one during my playthrough today.

* If we add all the years we find in the game (1954 World Cup Vinyl + Gunsmoke 1966 + 1950 Silverstone Grand V and 1942 found in a computer = 7812) for normal mode and flip mode together (7812 + 7812 = 15624 + 1 = 15625) then we get 15625 too.


OK, now the first one seemed like blind luck, especially with the +1 at the end. But with this new one, I'm not so sure anymore...


Both have a +1.

I don't know if Terry counted the spikes, but he seems to have counted, according to his post:

Quote from: Terry on May 02, 2012, 10:23:26 PM
It's about time someone noticed! :viridian:

If various members of this forum can count the spikes, Terry can do it too (I read an old thread of a spike counting contest).

Also, how did he find "interesting" dates that add up to 7812? :o
Also, I don't remember any 1942 (or any date) written on any terminal (if that's what he/she wanted to say with "computer")

EDIT: Was any modification made on the VVVVVV main game in v. 2.0 that changed what terminals said and/or added new terminals? I haven't played the main game in 2.0 so I'm not sure.


The dates are room names, so that'd be Foddy's doing, wouldn't it?


Well I'd say a conspiration between Terry and Foddy ^_^



I think it's a good idea to make a list  with all the possible meanings of VVVVVV:

  • V-shaped spikes
  • Fliping twice while going forward forms a V
  • 6 characters, all their names starting with V.
  • 6 Time Trials, max rank is V.
  • Viridian vanished via Veni Vidi Vici.
  • 2 x 7812 + 400 + 1 = 56;7812 is the total number of spikes in the main game (not including flip mode), 2 means "normal" and flip modes, V is a in roman number, equaling 5, VVVVVV has 6 V's.
  • 2 x (1954 + 1966 + 1950 + 1942) + 1 = 56; 1954, 1966, 1950 and 1942 are the dates found in the main game, meanings of 2, 5 and 6 are the same as above.
So, 7 meanings total!
I still haven't found a 1942, though...