Dimension WWWWWW

Started by ToasterApocalypse, May 18, 2012, 11:49:23 AM

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Quote from: ToasterApocolypse on May 19, 2012, 04:13:52 PM
Just tiny question.

How does one use 'Iftrinkets'?

While "runscript" is another script name. Note that script names should be lowercase, or the loadscript utilities doesn't work properly. This will trigger if you have amount or more trinkets

If you want it the other way around, you can use iftrinketsless(amount,runscript), which triggers if you have less than amount of trinkets (i.e. in all the cases when iftrinkets() fails)


Quote from: FIQ on May 19, 2012, 04:17:50 PM
1: In Warp Zone->Twists and Turns, the leftmost wall is one pixel off (the higher one is one pixel more wide than the bottom)
2: In Warp Zone->Trouble-U, the upper floor is a pixel off, the right is one pixel higher than the left
3: In Warp Zone->Giant Maze, at the bottom floor, you can go left and become stuck in the wall because the right has a block in the way.
4: In Intermission 1->The Polar Dimension Returns, the enemies is a bit glitchy
5: In Intermission 1->Angel Falls, flipping at the top, aside from being a shortcut, gets you stuck in the wall at the bottom. For some reason, the usual "getting stuck in the wall" action didn't happen, and Viridian just went through it as it was air. Weird, but... yeah, should be fixed anyway.

Also just a hint: one-way-walls glitch sometimes. Nothing bad happened the way you used it in the polar dimension, but just so you know.

If you like, I can also fix the intermission background (just takes a few minutes of my time :p)

i'm ok with slightly blue backgrounds. What I really want to know is how to use iftrinkets.

I've fixed all those bugs, and shall release them with the level that would be the tower, and the second intermission, where you will find Dia, the second of the 3 Viridians.


Quote from: ToasterApocolypse on May 19, 2012, 04:23:38 PM
Quote from: FIQ on May 19, 2012, 04:17:50 PM
1: In Warp Zone->Twists and Turns, the leftmost wall is one pixel off (the higher one is one pixel more wide than the bottom)
2: In Warp Zone->Trouble-U, the upper floor is a pixel off, the right is one pixel higher than the left
3: In Warp Zone->Giant Maze, at the bottom floor, you can go left and become stuck in the wall because the right has a block in the way.
4: In Intermission 1->The Polar Dimension Returns, the enemies is a bit glitchy
5: In Intermission 1->Angel Falls, flipping at the top, aside from being a shortcut, gets you stuck in the wall at the bottom. For some reason, the usual "getting stuck in the wall" action didn't happen, and Viridian just went through it as it was air. Weird, but... yeah, should be fixed anyway.

Also just a hint: one-way-walls glitch sometimes. Nothing bad happened the way you used it in the polar dimension, but just so you know.

If you like, I can also fix the intermission background (just takes a few minutes of my time :p)

i'm ok with slightly blue backgrounds. What I really want to know is how to use iftrinkets.
See my last post

Also, I hope you have taken into account that people might skip trinkets (*cough* the first level)? Skipping crewmates is always a bad idea, and usually the person just has himself to blame, but trinkets is another point.


Quote from: FIQ on May 19, 2012, 04:24:26 PM
Quote from: ToasterApocolypse on May 19, 2012, 04:23:38 PM
Quote from: FIQ on May 19, 2012, 04:17:50 PM
1: In Warp Zone->Twists and Turns, the leftmost wall is one pixel off (the higher one is one pixel more wide than the bottom)
2: In Warp Zone->Trouble-U, the upper floor is a pixel off, the right is one pixel higher than the left
3: In Warp Zone->Giant Maze, at the bottom floor, you can go left and become stuck in the wall because the right has a block in the way.
4: In Intermission 1->The Polar Dimension Returns, the enemies is a bit glitchy
5: In Intermission 1->Angel Falls, flipping at the top, aside from being a shortcut, gets you stuck in the wall at the bottom. For some reason, the usual "getting stuck in the wall" action didn't happen, and Viridian just went through it as it was air. Weird, but... yeah, should be fixed anyway.

Also just a hint: one-way-walls glitch sometimes. Nothing bad happened the way you used it in the polar dimension, but just so you know.

If you like, I can also fix the intermission background (just takes a few minutes of my time :p)

i'm ok with slightly blue backgrounds. What I really want to know is how to use iftrinkets.
See my last post

It was a late post, I read it. I did all of that, with 8 trinkets (I removed all of the optional trinkets and added ones that are vital to collect at the end of every zone) as there is no 'Ifcrewmates'. It still doesn't work, because I can still de-activate the warps leading to the final area without all 8 trinkets.


Sure that you're doing it right then?
What does your script look like right now?


Quote from: FIQ on May 19, 2012, 04:29:48 PM
Sure that you're doing it right then?
What does your script look like right now?

iftrinkets(8, clearwarp)

Is it the space or something that made it go wrong?  :victoria:

:shiny:  :viridian:


That should work, but try removing the space.
Also make sure that "clearwarp" is all lowercase as the script name. Uppercase somewhere will make it so it doesn't work.


Quote from: FIQ on May 19, 2012, 04:44:40 PM
That should work, but try removing the space.
Also make sure that "clearwarp" is all lowercase as the script name. Uppercase somewhere will make it so it doesn't work.


UPDATE: I updated the download link, so now it has bugfixes, and 2 new levels. A gravitron and... Overused DTTHW mechanics.  :o     

EDIT: I just tried that. No caps, no space, and still doesn't work.


I ran through your level, skipped a crewmate to get all the trinkets and try it for myself. It seems as it's working. :p (the warp tokens disappeared from the crossway right next to Warp Zone when getting 8 trinkets)

Also, I like your way of doing The Gravitron. :)

But um, you can get to the "wrong" side by flipping. How about a warp token instead and completly closed lines?

Also, what happened to the end of Space Station 2? (I'll just call it it, as it works the same as in the usual VVVVVV dimension, and I didn't found it mentioned anywhere else)

Interesting way of making a The Tower-style level. I like it. :P

1: Warp Zone->Giant Maze was the most annoying screen ever this release. No offense though - I don't mind a maze puzzle. But pleease, make the paths *a bit* less narrow. Took like 50 tries for me to get Viridian into one of those.. D:
2: The Tower->I'm Not A Divot, when talking with the computer, there is a typo. At the end of the dialog, Viridian says "Well, ...", but in the dialog he says "Wll, ...".


Quote from: FIQ on May 19, 2012, 05:33:43 PM
I ran through your level, skipped a crewmate to get all the trinkets and try it for myself. It seems as it's working. :p (the warp tokens disappeared from the crossway right next to Warp Zone when getting 8 trinkets)

Also, I like your way of doing The Gravitron. :)

But um, you can get to the "wrong" side by flipping. How about a warp token instead and completly closed lines?

Also, what happened to the end of Space Station 2? (I'll just call it it, as it works the same as in the usual VVVVVV dimension, and I didn't found it mentioned anywhere else)

Interesting way of making a The Tower-style level. I like it. :P

1: Warp Zone->Giant Maze was the most annoying screen ever this release. No offense though - I don't mind a maze puzzle. But pleease, make the paths *a bit* less narrow. Took like 50 tries for me to get Viridian into one of those.. D:
2: The Tower->I'm Not A Divot, when talking with the computer, there is a typo. At the end of the dialog, Viridian says "Well, ...", but in the dialog he says "Wll, ...".

Removed 'Dead Man's Trinket', so the room went too.


Quote from: ToasterApocolypse on May 19, 2012, 05:45:01 PM
Quote from: FIQ on May 19, 2012, 05:33:43 PM
I ran through your level, skipped a crewmate to get all the trinkets and try it for myself. It seems as it's working. :p (the warp tokens disappeared from the crossway right next to Warp Zone when getting 8 trinkets)

Also, I like your way of doing The Gravitron. :)

But um, you can get to the "wrong" side by flipping. How about a warp token instead and completly closed lines?

Also, what happened to the end of Space Station 2? (I'll just call it it, as it works the same as in the usual VVVVVV dimension, and I didn't found it mentioned anywhere else)

Interesting way of making a The Tower-style level. I like it. :P

1: Warp Zone->Giant Maze was the most annoying screen ever this release. No offense though - I don't mind a maze puzzle. But pleease, make the paths *a bit* less narrow. Took like 50 tries for me to get Viridian into one of those.. D:
2: The Tower->I'm Not A Divot, when talking with the computer, there is a typo. At the end of the dialog, Viridian says "Well, ...", but in the dialog he says "Wll, ...".

Removed 'Dead Man's Trinket', so the room went too.
By the way, you don't HAVE to use trinkets. You can do something like this:

(The things that happen at the beginning of the level, blah blah...)
And then, everytime you save a crewmate, have a specific flag turned off, like, for example at the end of SS1:

Then, at the warp token check, you can do this:

There's probably better ways to do this, but I would do it this way.

(stop being a script with the command "stop")


Quote from: FIQ on May 19, 2012, 05:51:24 PM
Quote from: ToasterApocolypse on May 19, 2012, 05:45:01 PM
Quote from: FIQ on May 19, 2012, 05:33:43 PM
I ran through your level, skipped a crewmate to get all the trinkets and try it for myself. It seems as it's working. :p (the warp tokens disappeared from the crossway right next to Warp Zone when getting 8 trinkets)

Also, I like your way of doing The Gravitron. :)

But um, you can get to the "wrong" side by flipping. How about a warp token instead and completly closed lines?

Also, what happened to the end of Space Station 2? (I'll just call it it, as it works the same as in the usual VVVVVV dimension, and I didn't found it mentioned anywhere else)

Interesting way of making a The Tower-style level. I like it. :P

1: Warp Zone->Giant Maze was the most annoying screen ever this release. No offense though - I don't mind a maze puzzle. But pleease, make the paths *a bit* less narrow. Took like 50 tries for me to get Viridian into one of those.. D:
2: The Tower->I'm Not A Divot, when talking with the computer, there is a typo. At the end of the dialog, Viridian says "Well, ...", but in the dialog he says "Wll, ...".

Removed 'Dead Man's Trinket', so the room went too.
By the way, you don't HAVE to use trinkets. You can do something like this:

(The things that happen at the beginning of the level, blah blah...)
And then, everytime you save a crewmate, have a specific flag turned off, like, for example at the end of SS1:

Then, at the warp token check, you can do this:

There's probably better ways to do this, but I would do it this way.

(stop being a script with the command "stop")

Question time.

Is that in 1, 2 or more scripts?

EDIT: Figured it out, but at the beginning of the game there's no cutscene, just the bars.

SECOND EDIT: It's actually ALL of the cutscenes.   

:victoria:Does this mean there'll be no final area and the level permanently unfinished?  :verdigris: Toaster will find A way around it! i think...


I propose this:
In your script called 1 (the one used at the beginning), at the bottom, insert this:


Then, everytime a crewmate talk with you, turn off 1 of these flags. For example, when talking to Victoria, insert this at the bottom:


Then, in your script "ifcrewmates", do this:


This will first check if flag 1 is on (turned on by the start of the level). If it is, then the script is halted from execution.
If it's off (turned off by finishing the 1st level), check flag 2 the same way. Then the 3rd flag. Then the 4th. And so on.
If it fails every check (every flag is off - every area is explored) - disable warplines


Quote from: FIQ on May 19, 2012, 06:58:16 PM
I propose this:
In your script called 1 (the one used at the beginning), at the bottom, insert this:


Then, everytime a crewmate talk with you, turn off 1 of these flags. For example, when talking to Victoria, insert this at the bottom:


Then, in your script "ifcrewmates", do this:


This will first check if flag 1 is on (turned on by the start of the level). If it is, then the script is halted from execution.
If it's off (turned off by finishing the 1st level), check flag 2 the same way. Then the 3rd flag. Then the 4th. And so on.
If it fails every check (every flag is off - every area is explored) - disable warplines

:victoria:'s cutscene is still broken with that  :(

EDIT: I fixed it, and the script works. Final area shall be created.

Stupid question time: How do I post screenshots? I'm gonna post some sneak peeks at the final area.


Find "Print Screen", press it when having VVVVVV open. Open mspaint, paste. Save it, and go to http://tinypic.com. Upload your image and get the link to it, and place it here.