Dimension Bump Discussion.

Started by azathothsAwakening, May 08, 2016, 02:14:08 PM

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New level Idea! Dimension Bump! It is a collab level , and it has 4 different zones. Each one is made by a different person. Any bugs or typos can be fixed by any of the four players. If one version is posted while a different person is working on it , and when they post theirs , the level gets split!! It hasn't been started yet so no pics.

i don't use this site anymore, please don't look at my posts

I guess I'll work on it.

And I will fix errors.

and build rooms.

and prove that you can be a good user when you try.

I'll start.

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Ally 🌠

Can I join so it isn't shitty like VVVVVV TOC?

i don't use this site anymore, please don't look at my posts

Uh... ya mean VVVVVV TOC?

Here's the first version. Added hub.

Ally 🌠


tell me when the level is half made or more, so i can start testing

moth ✨

i don't use this site anymore, please don't look at my posts

I'm not sure if theres room


moth ✨


I'll allow it! Even if it means changing it from four areas to 5.
Edit:........... The Game crashed!!!!!
Edit 2:Terminals crash my game. Does the terminal crash the game for you or not? I updated.

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What terminal? Anyways, added my Zone: ZoBaP! (Zone of Buttons and Platforms!)

EDIT: Added some enemies in 'No Staws Left', took one from 'Penultimate Peril'.


Okay, gonna consider the first section an intentionally bad level until proven otherwise. the VVVVVViridian zone is good but the trinket challenge at the end is quite unfair, plus i think you forgot to include a third dissapearing platform to make it possible to go to the warp token

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Quote from: SJMistery on May 15, 2016, 01:38:41 PM
Okay, gonna consider the first section an intentionally bad level until proven otherwise. the VVVVVViridian zone is good but the trinket challenge at the end is quite unfair, plus i think you forgot to include a third dissapearing platform to make it possible to go to the warp token

There's a way to get through it: Walk off the first platform, and onto the first 'Enemy sandwitch'. Flip onto the other platform, back, then onto the other 'enemy sandwitch', and then you know what to do, right? Hope it helped, and it's supposed to be unfair...!


i mean, after getting the trinket, there is no choice but die